Alyssa is officially 4 months old...

Aug 21, 2010 19:29

I haven't lj-ed about live since forever. The sad truth is I am so busy that when I have some time in my hands, I use it to sleep or read or surf internet. This motherhood thing is not for wussies. I wanted to lj about my birth experience, however, the pictures is god knows where and I don't really have that much time to dig through all that. I'll get around to adding pics soon enough, I hope. I wanted to lj about Alyssa's progress. I really want to. But seriously, I don't have time. So this is the compressed version of whats what.

Alyssa was born on the 19th April. I had 2 weeks of pregnancy induced hypertension and was on bedrest. As I am on medication, my BP was controlled but there was another 2 weeks to go. Dr Suniza (PCMC) had given me an option to go on (the baby seems very comfy in mommy's belly/ not a twinge of contraction throughout, not even practice ones) or to induce Alyssa's birth. It was Friday, April 16th and Alyssa's guestimate weight was 3.6kg. Weee.... At the beginning of my pregnancy, I was pretty determined not to induce but to wait for little ChiChi to be ready to come naturally. I changed my mind pretty quick after that 2 weeks bedrest.

I requested that I am allowed to attend the company's annual dinner... Sempat lagi tu... hehehe... the doctor was pretty cool about that but told me not to get too excited or the baby will come before the annual dinner night was over. Hehe.. the event venue was close only mah, no worries. To add to the drama... On the registration paper... it was written... Cytotec. I about had a COW! I am a semi-active member of pregnant community on Lj. Cytotec is a big No-no. I was scrambling around asking for opinions etc. It finally boiled down to Az's advice. "Do you trust your doctor?" Yep, she is honest and don't mince words but at the same time, she does not treat you like you have half a brain.

So I checked in on Sunday at 11 pm to be induced. My parents, Cory and I had our so called last dinner before Alyssa's arrival. Pizza Hut, yum! So, the thing about inducing is that the midwives do everything, seriously. They were awesome!

To be continued...

alyssa, baby, birth

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