(no subject)

Sep 13, 2011 10:08

Title: Disquiet 15/?: Explanations
Author: Briala
Rating: M overall
Summary: Five Guardians: The Sten, The Assassin, The Kinslayer, The Old Warden, and The Dog. Each playing their part in the Dalish Warden’s life, which in turn adds to the greater wheel of Thedas.

Disclaimer: All Dragon Age characters and places belong to BioWare. I aim to make no profit off of this, so please keep those lawyers (including my own) in check.
WARNING! This story contains: Too many spoilers to count, Sex, Rape, and Abuse.

AN: Have I told you that Rhiononon is my favorite-est beta who has ever edited this story? (Granted, she would point out that she's the only one, but that does not make this statement less than perfectly true!)

Chapter Fifteen: Explanations
"There and back again." - Bilbo Baggins, J.R.R. Tolkin, The Hobbit

They return to Redcliff then must run back to Denerim. Sten wearies of the continued retracing of his steps as they travel in this cold wretched country. It is indirect, inefficient.

While the Wardens meet, they wait by the fire eating from a tray left by a very nervous servant. There is plenty, provided the Dog remembers that she will be joining them. Sten focuses on Asala. Breathing deepens. Heart beat slows. He hears echoes of voices nearby, and he focuses on Kinslayer's voice. "…Riordan."

The Dog snores after he has eaten his fill, flopping over on his side.

"Nothing you have done has prepared you for what you face now. Tell me, do you know why the Grey Wardens are needed to defeat the darkspawn?"

"Because of our skill and ability to sense them?"

"If that were so, Loghain, then any skilled warrior would suffice. In killing the Archdemon, a Grey Warden must die."

"Then I will make the final blow."

"It warms my heart to see such courage. But do not hurry to sacrifice your life so.. I am the eldest so the honor goes to me. Ah, Lass, do not look at me so. Should I fall, one of you must finish it."

The door opens. Their voices grow louder. Kinslayer bids the Wardens goodnight and retreats to his room and his precious maps.

The door to their room opens and the Warden closes it behind the Old Warden. She holds his hand and pulls him over to the fire where Sten waits. Slipping into his lap, she keeps a grasp on the Old Warden's hand. Her breathing slows, her heart meets his, and then she pulls the Old Warden into the vision. Reassuring him, gently closing his eyes, she gives him time to adjust to their shared vision.

She shows him a map of Ferelden. The darkspawn glowing red on the map, head towards Denerim.

The Old Warden sees the green of the two nearby Wardens and himself. She shows him how she can taste the different types of darkspawn and the different Wardens.

Pleased with her progress, the Old Warden is amazed that she can see much farther than him. Breathing in her scent he says softly in her ear "Oh, Lass, you are my favorite by far." He trails kisses down the vines on her neck.

Sten growls.

The Old Warden chuckles "Keep this one with you; he would be an excellent Warden." They watch the darkspawn movements. "This ability is wonderful. I would like to look again when we arrive at Denerim tomorrow."

As she and the Old Warden rise out of the vision, the Witch shrieks, as a door is flung open. Kinslayer shouts, "I said out!" and a door slams shut.

The Warden leaps to her feet and is in the hall and around the corner as the Witch hurls curses at Loghain. The Old Warden pauses in the hallway, as she helps the Witch to her feet. Shaking her head, the Warden waves them off; as she takes Morrigan downstairs.


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