And yet another reason why I'm mad

Jul 30, 2012 21:19

I'm writing a Sherlock BBC/Avengers 2012 crossover. Because I'm mad like that. Actually, pretty much mostly because has anyone else noticed just how similar John Watson and Phil Coulson are? I love them. They are my little BAMF sweethearts. This new little brain child of mine is called In Which Neither Coulson nor Sherlock are Dead (and John sort of joins the Avengers) because alongside the evil plotbunnies taking over my mind, I could not think of a title to save my life. Hah!

Summary tiems!

While Coulson's recovering from being stabbed in the chest by a magical spear, Fury is rapidly running out of Agents willing to play babysitter for the newly founded Avengers. So he calls in Captain John Watson, late of the British Royal Marines, and blogger and best friend to the infamously antisocial (presumably deceased) Sherlock Holmes. In hindsight he's not sure if this was a good call or a very, very bad one.

I am also going to give you a bit of a warning. I am writing this story because it is epically fun, and the bunnies won't leave me alone. Which means that there are references to Doctor Who and Men in Black, Mycroft actually does have a sabre hidden in his umbrella, there will be gratuitous dropping down from ceilings and air vents by Hawkeye and Black Widow, John is actually secretly a ninja, Captain America will blush at everything, Popper Potts will be drop dead gorgeous and know everything, John (I) will bitch about American 'tea' and the Hulk will actually be a pretty decent guy when no one's trying to shoot him with massive canons or drop buildings on him. The pairings, as they stand, are John/Sherlock, Pepper/Tony and Bruce/Betty. Also Natasha/Matt(Daredevil), although I don't know where that came from. Also, my John keeps hitting on Agent Maria Hill which was not part of the plan, but I don't know how to get him to stop. Because we all know, after Anthea, how John feels about attractive young women working for shady government agencies.

Basically, what I mean to say is that I'm writing this fic as a selfish indulgence to my inner fangirl and trying to get all of the ridiculous ideas I can into one fic as quickly as I can so I can try and be sensible elsewhere. I don't think it'll work, but it's very fun to write :D

Well, I hope you like it. I have the first five chapters finished already and I'm posting a new chapter every other day so that I'll stay ahead writing-wise and get all that crazy out there ASAP. People seem to be enjoying it so far, so I guess it's going well.

please excuse the weird, john/sherlock, crossover, romance, fiction, xover, avengers, sherlock holmes, fanfiction, john watson, bruce/betty, pepper/tony, sherlock bbc, slash, love

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