Mar 29, 2004 23:47
Yes I got bored and stolled things, stolen from i_fall hehe.
[You Touched] Mummybear.
[You Talked to] Irl- Mummybear, Msn- Markness.
[You Hugged] Mummybear.
[You Instant messaged] Markness.
[You Yelled At] Half a party on Saturday night?
[Food] Mummybear's lasagne or Somerfield's BLT's.
[Drink] Peach water, or Darren's orange and mango squash.
[Color] Green.
[Album] Of the moment- Moby - Play.
[Shoes] Black converse.
[Candy] Hershey's Peanut Crisp.
[Animal] Bears!
[TV Show] Everwood, Strong Medicine, ER, Nip/Tuck, Scrubs, Malcolm In The Middle.
[Movie] Mallrats, Plunkett & Maclene, Con Air.
[Song] Of the moment, Toxic - Britters.
[Cartoon] X-Men.
[Understanding] Err.. fairly?
[Open-minded] No.
[Arrogant] Can be when I'm annoyed.
[Insecure] Fairly infrequently.
[Interesting] Of course, your friendly neighbourhood geek is always a source of interesting knowledge :)
[Random] No doubt.
[Hungry] Hm, could be temptied by one of those nice easter cakes downstairs.
[Friendly] I talk too much, so I must be, I talk people into submission :D
[Moody] Only when extremely annoyed lol.
[Organized] I can be, just not about important things, example- cartoon videos --> organised by year, title and series, school work --> big fuck off pile in the corner.
[Emotionally Stable] Yehah.
[Shy] Only when in a room full of scary people.
[Difficult] I have been told I have an abraisive personality :<
[Attractive] If at all, only because I am odd and cool-geeky, exboyfriends- answers on a postcard please.
[Bored easy] Only when its Ms Kanat's biology lesson!
[Messy] Haha my room....
[Thirsty] Got my glass of water here so no heh.
[Responsible] Only when organising other people, my own life is a shambles lol.
[Obsessed] LOTR, Johnny Depp, forensics and murder stories etc, comics, Elendor, Legend of Mir, jazz, Star Wars.
[Angry] Only when annoyed incessently!
[Sad] Haha in the geeky sense oh yes... emotionally sad, hardly ever.
[Happy] All the damn time lol!
[Hyper] Nah, too lazy to be hyper, moving about.. oof, no thanks!
[Trusting] Yup, thats the friendly geek bit again, too trusting most of the time, bless me :)
[Talkative] Haha... yeps!
[Legal] for what? Sex yes (woot!), drinking no, but I walk straight into bars so what it matter? I don't think theres a legal age for anything else remotely interesting? I don't want to be an MP so 21years doesn't count...?
[Kill] Noone?
[Slap] Noone? Feel the love :)
[Look Like] Keira Knightly.
[Talk To Offline] Mah Darrens and Catheds?
[Talk To Online] Markness.
[In the morning I am] tired?
[All I need is] more sleep?
[Love is] scary and a remote impossbility for me atm.
[I'm afraid of] water, lots of it, seas, swimming pools etc.
[I dream about] god knows what, I'm asleep!
[Pictured your crush naked?] Hubba... /drool/.. wait, er, no?[Been in love] Thought I was.
[Cried when someone died] Yep :(
[Lied] oh so many times, I'm going to hell :(
[Coke or Pepsi] Coke.
[Flowers or Candy] Flowers, white roses plz ;)
[Tall or Short] Um not too tall, I'm so small :)
[What do you notice first?] Erm, whether their body is unfortunately close to a peice of Burberry clothing, hair, whether they're wearing a shirt or summat with cool geeky stuff on.
[Turn ons] Dark hair, geekyness, glasses, baby-faced-ness.
[Turn offs] Burberry, arrogance, going out with my best mate or something lol.
[Makes u laugh the most?] Darren.
[Makes you smile] Cathed, Georgie, Kate, Elle, Rhu, Tom, many others!.
[Gives you a funny feeling when you see them] Darren, Cathed, Owain, Markness, Richard, Mike- all in yay my best blokey friends way, I feel so protected heehee :D
[Who do you have a crush on?] No one really, too tired! Heh.
[Has a crush on you?] No bolly, I'm best mates with the only blokes I know who aren't morons :)
[Is the easiest to talk to] Tom.
[Sit on the Internet all night waiting for someone special to I.M. you?] Usually on for Legend of Mir, msgs from Tom are always nice :) My friends are geeks, we're always online, this question sucks, next.
[Save aol/aim conversations] No, you can do that?
[Wish you were a member of the opposite sex] No, I'd keep trying to cross my legs and end up irreversibly causing extreme pain.
[Cried because of someone saying something to you] Yeh, so bloody emotional lol.
[Fallen for ur best friend] Sort of.
[Been rejected] Yep, but its okay really, not that bothered.
[Rejected someone] Yep, that made me feel shit though.
[Used someone] Most prolly.
[Been used] Yes, definitly.
[Done something you regret] Many things, but nothing can be changed now really can it.
[Smoke cigarettes] No, like pink fleshy lungs.
[Could you live without the computer] There would be no point to my existance.
[Color your hair] What colour /hasn't/ it been?
[Ever get off the damn computer] erm.. no.
[How many peeps are on your buddy list?] About a hundred?
[What hurts the most? Physical pain or emotional pain?] Err.. both... hence the pain bit, neithers good!
[Trust others way too easily?] Sure do, dammit.
[Of times I have had my heart broken?] Only once.
[Of hearts I have broken?] None I would imagine.
[Of continents I have lived in?] One.
[Of close friends?] 5-6?
[Of CD's that I own?] Err... 200?
[Of scars on my body?] lots, 9 years of horseriding, 7 years of trampolining, 5 years of dance and a life time of random walks and falling in ditches etc have taken their toll lol.
[Of things in my past that I regret?] In the past, I don't dwell on stuff, whats the point in regretting things?
Proper jedi goodnight now!