Apr 22, 2006 00:36
tagged by: __ect
"Once you've been tagged, you have to write a blog with 8 facts/things/habits about yourself, saying who tagged you. In the end you need to choose the 6 people to be tagged and list their names. No tag backs."
1. When I really like someone I tend to come off as needy and I worry that I will scare them away or make them feel suffocated.
2. I have never felt like i was good enough for anyone I ever dated, regardless of my apparent arrogance towards the subject.
3. If I think I might be wrong I'll argue, but if I know I'm wrong, I'll usually admit it.
4. When I need to clear my head, I go to the Marina or the beach to be alone.
5. Marraige and children do not appeal to me in the least bit. I want to grow old with someone and have alot of adventures and good conversations over coffee. If its good its good. A paper cannot change that.
6. I wish my dad would let me know that I mattered or didn't, then maybe I could move on. I've never been good enough for him either.
7. My family is my own personal group of best friends. My Mom, Sisters and I were all one another had for a long time and I wish i was better at letting them know I love them.
8. Despite the fact that I identify as Agnostic, sometimes I wonder.
I tag: vintagetears88, corethisbiotch, onetw0_many, freekqueen89, scaredlemon, __lightthefuse