ahahkfesdbf this is just for reference

Jun 22, 2010 21:20

Weapon Form: This. No benefits(speed, stamina, etc.) for the meister; it's showing how once she shows her violent and crazy, it's all most people will see of her. No benefits = no apparent personality traits that you haven't seen, pretty much.

Meister: Shalnark. Aww yeah.

Death City, ranked in order of bloodthirst.

1. Mukuro Rokudo - ○○○○. As the first person to be smart enough to figure out her secret(damn him), she immediately wants his head. It probably doesn't help that he's such a damn bastard.
2. Kida Masaomi - ○○○○. Cocky, obnoxious brat. Every time he flirts with her, her desire to crush his soul raises a little more. He's so sure of himself. She wants to beat it out of him.
3. Luki - ○○○○. This girl is just a huge pain in the ass. She doesn't seem to understand personal space at all.
4. Miranda Lotto - ○○○. Pathetic. Stop apologizing about everything, woman, it just makes you seem more incompetent.
5. Spirit Albarn - ○○○. Old fart. She doesn't need your concern. Also, you remind her of a father figure, and she definitely doesn't need one of those.
6. Naruto Uzumaki - ○○○. Loud. Why is he so loud? And idiotic. She hopes he ends up throwing himself down the stairs and breaks his neck.
7. Rhode Kamelot - ○○. Wow, what an awful bitch. Nothing more to say, really.
8. Allen Walker - ○○. She thinks he might be onto her. Therefore, he must die.
9. Minato Arisato - ○○. His talks about protecting his friends are pathetic. He'll probably let them down when it matters most.

Surprisingly, she doesn't hate everyone - she has a respect of sorts for strong people who are not obnoxious She admires him, in a way. People she doesn't mind: Hong Kong, Germany, Greed, Alphonse, Saralegui, Kurapika, Syaoran, Near. Everyone else is in the 'vague dislike but not hate' category.

ooc, random

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