SCA Projects

Jan 16, 2012 15:46

Mortality of the Children / the Incantation - Looking at writing/composing piece based on Early Irish verse, modal music, and the various incantations for long life / against illness. Sort of like this one. Want to substitute this for Einini in the Aoife's remembrance of the mortality of the children. (Deadline???)

Highlights of the Tain -- breaking down the Tain into the major stories in hopes of (someday) having a Pennsic where I tell a piece or two every night. Figuring on each night being under twenty minutes of performing. Probably more in the 15 minute range. (I'd love to add 2-3 stories before Pennsic.)

Wulf and Eadwacer -- writing an Anglo-Saxon story to wrap around the poem (which seems to clearly reference a story that the original audience would have understood). This will require some major research. (Deadline: Pennsic)

Clothing: (Overall goal? Skin-out authenticity by Roses, even if it's only one outfit's worth.)
Naalbinded Socks - almost to the heel of the first one. (Deadline: Roses)

Period undergarments - at least one pair of underwear before Roses. Linen most likely.

New Court Garb - I've got beautiful off-white herringbone linen. I'd love to make a new dress out of that (keyhole neck based on the 4th Century robe of the virgin). Possibly couched embroidery at the neck w/ the gold thread I have. Maybe with some blue silk too. (Not that I've done much embroidery at all yet. I should do a practice piece first. Wish this kit weren't quite so expensive

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