Mar 09, 2006 16:24
hey...sorry i haven't posted in a while, just not really wanted to. but, life is good. we get to have spring break soon and i don't have too much homework over the break which is a fabulous thing because i get to go to Huntsville and see my cousins and eat way too much food, always fun. i love the weather out right now, it's so pretty. especially with all the daffodiles and the trees look beautiful b/c it's warm, but they haven't gotten there leaves back yet...and it's just beautiful. however, autumn is still my fav season. umm, the pan-african program thing was annoying but i was happy to be with my fellow techies which was nice. the thing after school tomorrow sounds interesting, but i probably won't go. career day's going to be really boring, i've got coach brooks for 2nd period, 2 hours with him = not fun. but i'll probably just read or something. i've got to go eat asian food at Jasmine [thai food place in midtown, tres yummy]. so talk to yall later