art of You Can Do Magic (You're the one who can put out the fire)

Jun 27, 2016 06:37

Fic title: You Can Do Magic (You're the one who can put out the fire)
Author: zara_zee
Artist: dulcetine
Genre: RPF
Pairing: Jared/Jensen
Rating: Explicit
Word count: ~27,500
Summary: Mundane Jensen Ackles knew that his devout Church of the Holy Fire parents were going to lose their minds when they learned he’d soul-bonded with Magus Jared Padalecki. But not even he could’ve predicted the epic shit-storm that was about to be unleashed.

Fic Masterpost: read @ LJ | AO3

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Artist Notes: YAY! second bb entry done! now i can kick back and enjoy all the awesome entries :D :D :D i'm excited to indulge and binge-read my little heart out ♥! as always i'm incredibly thankful and in awe of wendy and ALLLLL of the hard work/love/awesomeness that goes into spn_j2_bigbang. to be honest i'm in awe of everyone who participates! it's the best and i look forward to it each year.

i am also so very thankful for zara_zee. what a fantastic and kind person! i felt honored to have the chance to illustrate the sequel to this beautiful story: I put a spell on you (because you’re mine). when reading the prompt my initial thoughts were like "oooh magic j2 with smidge of angst and doggies yay!" but once i realized the gem i've grasped in my little paws it turned into: " WAAAH I LOVED the first story! WUUUUT how can my TURDS art match up to this amazing story!?? i'm not worthy!!!". i hope my art was able to convey the love i felt for the story! it seems every time i come back to doodle j2 it's as though i'm re-learning how to draw them again haha. does this mean i've improved? hmmm.

it was truly wonderful to revisit jared and jensen's story that the fabulous zara_zee created for them. i loved the parallels to our world and hope that everyone has the opportunity to love and be loved unconditionally.

thank you and i hope you enjoy your stay! i'm excited for the fans of the first installment! yaaaay! and very excited too for those who haven't had the chance yet to enjoy the magic :D it's fab and you won't be disappointed!

doodle dump

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