A Round Turn » information
* S2 Flexible Squares.
* Website Require.
* Custom colors included in the layout.
* Compatible browser: Mozilla Firefox (Best) and IE.
* Works with basic, plus, paid, & permanent accounts.
* Credit: A credit LINK is already included in the layout, PLEASE DO NOT remove this link! as it includes additional credits for everything I use in the creation of the layout. Thanks.
All IMAGES & OVERRIDES included in the zip file.
» general instructions
* Please click on all available links throughout the instructions. It will help you navigate the new customization area.
* Upload ALL images to your own server.
* Replace
http://YOURIMAGEURLHERE/(name-of-image).png with your own links.
* All the URL have the name of the image that correspond to that particular section. EX.
http://YOURIMAGEURLHERE/comment.png where comment is the name of the image.
* TIP: It is best if you use a moodtheme that contains small images.
* PLEASE do NOT edit this layout.
» installation instructions
* Go to your layout
Look & Feel page. From the drop down menu select FLEXIBLE SQUARE and save.
* Go to your layout
Customization page.
* Scroll down to the bottom of your page, far right and click on
Customize selected theme.
* On the left side you will see a sidebar with different options.
-Display: Change to your linking.
-Style: Only edit if you have a Plus Account.
-Text: On NAVIGATION, make each one ONE word. So the links don't overlap to the sidebar.
-Sidebar: Show User Pic: NO, Show Blurb: YES, Blurb Tittle: LEAVE BLANK, Blurb Box: COPY & PASTE text from "a round turn-html.txt". Instructions are included in the .txt file, Link List: NO, Tags: NO, Summary: NO, Calendar: YES, Sidebar Width: 135.
-Link List: Do Not Edit.
-Custom CSS: Select NO on all the drop down menus, and copy and paste the css file "a round turn-css-share.txt" included on the zip,and save changes.
*IMPORTANT: I've been having trouble installing the CCS by pasting it on the box, if you can't save the layout, then follow THIS instructions: [Save the stylesheet "a round turn-css-share.txt" in a hosting service such as www.ripway.com. Click on Custom CSS, select NO for the first TWO drop down menus and YES for the THIRD one. Copy and paste your stylesheet link on the field "Custom external stylesheet URL" and save your changes. ]
» additional instructions for PLUS account users
*Go to your
Customize Journal Style and change the specify Custom Colors to #ffffff. Please click
HERE to view which colors to change. Everything else leave it blank. (The hex# on the example is different, so make sure you use this #ffffff and not the one on the example)
*Go to your
Choose Journal Style page, and scroll to the bottom to "Choose a Page Setup", select Place Between Entries and save.
» overrides (click on the image for bigger preview and on the zip to download)
*Thank you. Hope you guys like and Enjoy!
*Comments are love as always!!! ♥