This weekend we are having a party at my house. We call it Follytown after the mayor, the first openly cat mayor in the universe.
Its for valentimes. Or it might be anti valentimes.
I love this collection of legos made to resemble things relevant to NYC. I got that dress I posted before. I love it! The mediums ran on the large side, thankfully.
I want to dress like this for work. I want shoes like that but that I can walk in.
Also shoes like this.
What else? Hm, well I went on antibiotics for my shitty skin. Its cleared right up but now I'm afraid that the second I stop, pizzaface will come back. The Dr. also gave me 3 topical treatments, 2 soaps and an astringent and told me to try them all at once? How the fuck will I know which works? I've already ruled out one of the topicals because its made from fish.