Jan 31, 2005 16:31
What are you wearing?:
.wife beater
What time is it?:
.4:32 p.m
How's the hair?:
.down and straight
Any makeup?:
What's the last thing you ate or drank?:
.Mac and Cheese
Last thing you bought?:
What have you done/are you doing today?:
.I was suppose to go to class....but......
.Who knows
What are you listening to?
If you could be anywhere with anyone, where would it be and with who?:
.In Venezuela again! with the fam, the friends, and the damm beach with warm weather.
What are you thinking of?:
.My h/w and my exam on Thrusday
.Natalia--how much i love talking to her
.Can't wait for the summer----going to vnzla again
.I love Oprah!!!!!
.This whole moving situation....