Made this list because he's trying to take possession of all of them xD so I had to make a list of ones he couldn't touch. He managed to grab Kiera Knightly :3 which made me oh so sad
We want an option that won't get us arrested, prosecuted or get a restraining order out against us. We admire from afar and in the event the celebrity approaches us face to face and asks us out to dinner then we can let loose with our crazy fan-girlie self. (Yes, Chris is now a girl ROFLMFAO Im sure he'll be happy to hear)
ROMLFAO Well, now we can discuss. You still can't have them though, since its my official list. Until I find more that I may have forgotten because I was half drunk when it was made xD you might be able to get away with more.
Comments 6
Made this list because he's trying to take possession of all of them xD so I had to make a list of ones he couldn't touch. He managed to grab Kiera Knightly :3 which made me oh so sad
There are some on there we haven't discussed before and I hate that I missed. Dammit!
And I'm sooo not a fan-girl. xD
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