I had been recovering from all the punnet square, recessive genes and biology talk that I stopped paying attention to the episode for a bit. I'm doing a rewatch of last nights episode and I'm finding more things since I don't wanna kill geese brains this early in the morning I decided to post any discussion I might have about the episode here and make it available to the public in case someone wants to join in on the discussion. My feelings won't get hurt if you have nothing to add.
So far we've learned that Claire has become so wild that she's willing to kill and terrorize the Others, but tame enough to remember all of her Oceanic 815 buddies (Poor Jin). Also, in what I'm guessing was the big shock of the episode that SmLocke is her friend (There went my hopes of getting married to the original Smokey). We're also made aware of how long Jacob has been watching & not to mention manipulating the Oceanic crew. We also get the starting lineup of the two teams; on team Jacob we have Hurley and Jack (so far) then on team SmLocke we have feral!Claire and Sawyer, maybe even Christian Shephard. One more thing to add... Jin lies! He first told Claire that Kate had the baby, which was true, proceeds to telling her that she was trying to save the guys life and after Feral!Claire kills the dude tells her that The Others had the baby all this time.
Now I don't know about you but I find the Lighthouse and the seaside Cave an interesting concept to add to the show. What with all the other crap that we're dealing with like; wheels and mirrors, monsters and a Gi-normous statue, numbers and skeletons, tribal wars and a big ass compass and a pendulum then there's the father vs son ( plus feral!daughter) and the big sky and ships and blinding lights and tunnels and numbers and Ive said numbers already but the numbers keep coming up everywhere and Im not a math major and I hate math and numbers except when it involves my paycheck which I just got paid today and bought some computer parts because I want a faster machine that will let me time travel... *takes deep breath*
Jack seems to be experiencing the same thing that Billy Pilgrim did in Slaughterhouse-Five (good book) where he's experiencing past and future events out of sequence and repetitively, following a nonlinear narrative. Looking at his sexy scar on his sexy stomach he asks his mom when he had the surgery... something a little kid will most likely never forget. Another thing, like the #23 outside Jack's baby momma's house, did I see a sign that said "Welcome all candidates" outside the recital hall? Again, *puppy dog eyes* if someone can get me a cap of that, I will love long time.
Good thing for me hardcore Lost fans take screencaps or I would've never been able to read
King Jacob and the Knights of the Round Table, Lost edition. So Kate does have a number,
mysticxf will be so pleased. (If you don't know who Mystic is get to know them! Best.crack.icons.EVER!) Back to the subject at hand, Kate's number we find out is #51, her name isn't crossed out so is she a potential candidate? Linus is crossed out at #117 (No he's not dead yet but he was once loved by Jacob, before Ben decided to kill him), Michael was also once on the list, Faraday comes in at #101 -- again it could be him or his mother, Rousseau comes in at #20 with her french partner at 102, my beloved Juliet is #58 & Shannon is on the roster at #32. Lewis is at #104, it could also be her parents since they seemed to be on the island before the whole hydrogen thing went off, which leads me to 108, Wallace. Now, if you add up all the numbers it equals 108, coincidence that its also the same number given during Desmonds hatch days where he was given 108 seconds between button pushing?
If you have a skill at pausing the episodes at the right time you can see that in the scene that showed places from our Losties past we get a glimpse at Pagoda place where Jin & Sun got married and where Jacob touched them, the Church where Jacob touched Sawyer *giggles* and Jack's childhood home. Wait a minute! Jacob touched Jack at the hospital not at his home, so why would we get a glimpse of his home? Maybe Jacob saw what Jack would grow up to look like and he wanted to touch him twice? BUT! We don't know which Shephard they were referring to, it could be Christian and Jacob *giggles* touched Christian at Jack's childhood home. But then wouldn't the name Shephard be crossed out since Christian is no more? Is Jacob a necropheliac looking to find his replacement among the living dead? If so, what will it mean for Jack's role on the island? Could all this lead to Christian vs. Jack the finale frontier?
Since Jacob didn't care, at least that's what it looked like from my pov, that Jack broke the mirror (causing 7 years of bad luck) could it be that 108-Wallace is coming to help Smokey? Could it be tied to the Lamppost from last season? You know... the place where Ms. Hawking guided Jack and crew back to the island.
Which brings me to... little David Shephard. FanForum talk about who the mom will be still has me laughing, if you don't know what I'm talking about read through the episode discussion thread. It's like a few smart people against a bunch of others who apparently never pay attention in class. So my first reaction was Sarah, I'm not so sure now because in order for that to happen Jack needs to "fix" her first but the only reason he fixes her is because Shannon's dad crashes into her car. But if Shannon's timeline is different enough that she still stays in Australia maybe its because her dad never got into that accident. Then we have Juliet, Spinal Surgeon + Fertility Doctor = Piano prodigy? They might've had some attraction to each other and their wandering eyes could lead to divorce. It would set up the story nicely, Sawyer is the new love in Juliet and David's life -- no triangles here folks, unless you count Sawyer's shoulders. Or lack thereof. <3
Jack's relationship with his mother seems a bit better than what it was before, he's also managed to stop his substance abuse problem that he had. Christian still managed to find a way to conceive Feral!Claire (or should I give her two personalities?) and give Jack an I-don't-have-what-it-takes personality. We keep being told that everybody has a choice but then we're shown over and over again that no matter what choices our Losties may take the universe has a way of course correcting itself.
Now, at the time this next thing happened, I was more interested in the Something Nice Back Home. Jack was trying desperately to get his people off the island, he faints and gets an appendectomy (sp?) by Juliet, this was in Dec. '04 in Lost time. It's now Sept. '04 and he apparently got the surgery done when he was younger. So referring back to my Slaughterhouse-five reference, the two timelines are starting to 'bleed' together.
I believe I read it in the FanForum episode discussion thread about the who-cares-about-the-daddy-issues but personally, I think its key to the show. All the main characters, save for Charlie and Juliet, have them. Hurley's dad left but came back after he own the lottery, Sawyer's dad commits murder-suicide, Locke's old man steals his kidney and eventually cripples him, Kate.. well she kills her stepdad who was actually her real dad, Jin ashamed of his pops fishing skills, Sun is ashamed of her Godfather of a dad, Ben kills his dad and other Dharma peeps, poor Feral!Claire never even knew her dad *coughChristiancough* while Miles hated his dad for sending him and his mom off the island (even though we come to understand why) Daniel didn't know his dad *coughWidmorecough* and poor Desmond, Widmore isn't his father and he still hated him, then of course we have Walt and Michael.
Here's something to think about; SmLocke has been manipulating Ben for years by making him think that he's Jacob. Ben thinks that Widmore is Jacob's frenemy but he's really SmLocke's enemy. So does this make Widmore a good guy?
If I'm missing anything else let me know!