
Dec 03, 2010 17:43

Just making a general announcement. As of now, I'm going to be taking a small hiatus.
But not to worry, it'll only be for a few weeks, and then I'll come back, probably with a bunch of fics that will undoubtedly explode out of my head.

I've got my final exams coming up, so I'll be spending the better part of the next few weeks buried beneath chemistry textbooks and supplements, along with a stack of calculus worksheets. Which means I won't have time to write. I'll still be active on my own Journal (I do need something to keep me sane for the next few weeks!), but the comm will be pretty quite at least until Christmas.

As of now my request post will be closed. I don't want to take any fics I won't be able to give. So sorry about that, but I'll do my best to try and do the KoyaShige fic for Ana (gachps_a ), although it'll probably take me a while.

Once I get my break I'll probably open up the requests, but for now it's closed.

Now on a happier note I do have one last Shige/Massu drabble that I finished today, as little 'Sorry' from me to you XD

Anyway it cane be read here : Mismatch


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