Apr 05, 2005 17:55
I have 5 minutes to write this entry because i took quite a bit of time to read all the other entries that have been posted. Well let's see....everything is going well.
I have a month to haul ass and pick up my grades. Everytime i think about doing homework i find some other homework that's like due the next day to do. I have a lack of money since i just spent 600 in the last 2 weeks and recovering from that is going to be interesting. I need to take this damn CLEP exam for the 50 millionth time, which i will be taking next week that's my goal.
School is almost over i just need to hang in there and do work. I have a paper due on thursday and i have all the information...just no paper. I haven't even looked over the information but at least i have it right? Well the paper is actually due on Friday but i don't have his class on Friday so if i don't finish monday will be the day.
I'm going back to getting up early in the morning and working out because i'm totally slacking on the whole getting work done. I'd rather sleep or sleep at KO's. I'm going to have to seperate myself once again and swim in homework till i get it done. I think by the end of the week i should be good. I have a bio test on thrusday that i'm confident about once i read the chapters and look over the cd....lol. I understand the material or at least i think i understand that material. I hate waiting till the last minute to do things. I still have a book to finish for the end of the month. I can just see it now reading the book before the test the following day.
Well i have to go to class now...that was 5 minutes.