Day 17: your highs and lows of the past year

Dec 01, 2010 10:52

(high) march, signed the papers to my first own apartment
(high) may, went to Bamboozle, for free, and met someone who would end up being incredibly special to me
(high) may, went to LA! And Maryland, pennsylvania, and mass
(high) may, got my kitten maven!
(low) June, got locked out of my apartment, paid $420 to get in, and roommates refused to reimburse
(low) july, naively signed over my apartment before retrieving my security account becomes neg. Almost a grand
(high)July, lived in Montauk, worked at an exclusive club
(low) July, phone gets shut off, can't make it to work, NO money...move into my parents home
(low) July, my grandma marge dies
(high) july, become official
(high) august, vacation in ME with family and cody
(low) august-September, fighting with mom forces me to lose my short job stint back at justice and sole income
(high) September, Rachel let's me live with her in NYC
(high) September, actually enjoyed going to baseball games with Cody
(low) September,$250 speeding ticket and family feuding lands me estranged from my only living grandparents, who occasional funded school
(high) October, almost fully pay off my debt to the bank
(low) October, don't completely pay off bank, the same week I get stranded in Maynard, MA FOR 3 weeks and miss my court date for my speeding ticket
(high) November, get job at juicy couture
(high) November, get plenty of photoshoots and actually made headway in paying off tickets and debts

And December is here...I hope it's just like November but busier :)
Plus, my birthday and Christmas are this month!

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