I need you like a heart needs a beat

Nov 27, 2010 00:50

I remember when I used to quote that One Republic song to a certain ex boyfriend. Everytime I hear this song, which I still love (especially for it's never endingly aesthetically pleasing video) I can't help but think "how pathetic?"
I never want to feel that pathetically in love again. I never want to think that my life would be nothing without my significant other. When I fall in love next I want it to be that perfection for me; a perfect balanceof two lives that come together. I don't want to feel completely at a loss if they aren't there...I want my life; my career in fashion, my closet, my magazines, my gossip girl. And I want his bars, his friends, his music or whatever creative outlet he hobbies. But then I want OUR bed, our home, our The Walking Dead, our phone plan...
I'm halfway there...the plan is there. But if it looks like it won't work out then I'm the one full of doubt... I have optimistic hopes and try to suppress my realistic expectations. But with the way my expectations of each day go it's not very promising.
I used to have this dream where I'd go out for a bike ride or jog, come into a sunny kitchen with a man standing there in boxer briefs, dark hair and slightly unshaven and kisses me while he makes coffee. Over a healthy breakfast we talk about our lives and vacation plans for a trip to take together. A perfect balance of personal life and togetherness.

Is this even possible in reality? Or have movies starring Rachel McAdams ruined realistic romance for me like every other girl in my generation?

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