Oct 26, 2005 14:12
how old do you feel: 17
where were you on september 11th, 2001: Mr. Annalas Class - History, 8th grade
what do you believe is the meaning of life: Just live life, dont make critiques.. follow the signs it gives you.
why is the sky blue: I really could not tell you... question i've always wondered.
what is your favorite thing to cook: I dont usually cook..
you have only a dollar to your name...what do you buy: wtf, i dont get it.. i have a dollar to my name?!!?
what would your last meal be: Generals Chicken, Chop Suey and Stuffing.. all my favorite food at once :)
what is the youngest age you have memories of: i honestly think like 11. ha
what is your favorite thing in the world: Electric Blanket
have you ever punched someone on purpose: no, but i dreamt it.
do you know what color chartreuse is close to: wtf. no
did you like garbage pail kids: no idea who those people are.
why do we have daylight savings time: set back the time.. ?
what living person would you want to meet: Jim Carrey or Wil Ferrel
what dead person: Chris Farley
where in the world would you live if you could: Somewhere in Mexico, where the hurricane hasnt hit.. or L.A
who is your favorite artist: no idea
who has had the most influence on you (good or bad): My brother.
what is your favorite dessert: Better then Sex Cake
do you know your personality type (the 16 type profiles): no idea.
what age is your favorite so far in your life: umm.. 17 i guess.
can you make cookies from scratch: Yes
was the chicken first or the egg: The Chicken
hershey or nestle: Hershey's
night out or night in: Night out for sure.
single forever with a great family or no family and your soulmate: No family and your soulmate
what is your favorite scented candle: Sugar Cookies.. SOOO GOODDDD
what type of underwear do you prefer: comfortable ones.
do you ever wear a whitee beater: sometimes.
if you could live in a store which one would it be: Walmart.. it has Everything!
can you eat a dozen donuts in one sitting: never tried, but i prob could. ha
what is your favorite curse word: Cock!
your favorite regular word: Don.. Don worry about it
have you ever read/tried to read the bible: tried.
have you ever heard of yahoo serious: Uh, no?
who do you dislike most in the world: Umm.. latley i havent really hated anyone.
what is your ideal date: Walk along the beach.. talk for hours.. and then go home and cuddle up watching a movie.
would you rather marry a deaf or blind person: Deaf
what is your favorite shape: WTF these questions are RIDIC!!!!! Octagon?!?! wtf.
can you eat just one chip: ha Usually not. i'm huge
where is the farthest you've ever been from home: Finland/Sweden/Iceland.
what is your desktop background: Us Senior girls with our SENIORS beaters at the dance :)
what song do you identify with most: Girls Just want to have Fun :)
which movie do you wish was your life: the Notebook
has someone ever intentionally put food on you: Ha no.. i just did it myself at lunch today.
what color is your favorite: Blue
what color do you feel represents you: I dont know...
do you believe in God: Yes..
have you ever broken a bone: Nope.
have you ever shut someone's fingers in a door: No i dont think so.
would you rather be honest/poor or a liar/rich: hmm.. ha .. honest/poor i guess.
what is the weirdest thing you have ever eaten and hated: CAVIAR.. SICCKKKK.. and some finnish candy.. it was awful!
what is the weirdest thing you have ever eaten and liked: Finnish soup they made.
what is your ideal ice cream creation: MintChocolate with cookiedough peices.
if you could marry someone from a movie (the character not actor) then who: the Guy from the Notebook FOR SURE!!!! he was such a sweetheart!!1.. oorrr HITCH :)
what is your favorite thing to do: hang out with brad.
what is your favorite junk food: Smores PopTarts
what is the longest you've gone without talking to anyone: maybe one day
what is your favorite board game: Monopoly
your favorite book: child called It
do you know how to change a tire: Yes. mom made me
would you consider yourself a geek: ha yeah i'm weird about things
what movie could you watch over and over again: Goonies, Mac and Me, Tommy Boy
have you ever eaten paste: no, i dont think so.
have you ever gone to the bathroom in front of someone: ha i always go with the door open, just so i can keep talking to people ha
what is your ideal halloween costume: well last year was ET.. that was pretty sweet.. but i wish i could be Sloth from the goonies.. haha thatd be awesome or like a full blown AWESOME costume, like big bird or something.. haha that would be ultimate
what toy have you always wanted and never gotten: Barbie Jeep.. NEVER got one!
what item could you not go without during the day: my cell phone.
do you consider yourself a smart person: ha NOOOOO
have you ever peed in a pool: who hasnt!
who was your first crush: Like Luke Tikkanen
who was your first love: Bradley Scott Dobson
do you close your eyes when you listen to music: sometimes.
how old were you when life was the hardest: 15..
do you eat the burnt chips: ewww
do you still have your baby blanket: i thought i did, i think its in a box downstairs
is there anything you HAVE to do everyday: Eat and go bathroom
do you curse in front of family: no.. thats rude
what is your favorite tv show ever: Undressed or My little ponies when it was out. orrrr FRAGGLE ROCK
if you had to get back with and ex who would it be: no one
when was the last time you felt truly loved by someone: Everyday.. love you bradley
what character trait would you change about yourself: I dont think anything
3 wishes... go (no world peace. things that are possible): To have unlimited amount of money.. find the man of my dreams, and to be successful for the rest of my life.
have you ever passed out: once.
have you ever slapped yourself in the face: Yes
have you been in a car accident that was your fault: no i dont think so
you have to give up 1 of your 5 senses (smell, touch, sight, sound, taste: smell for sure.