100 Things

Jun 02, 2009 01:05

I am doing a swap on craftster (where I got paired with Jia out of the 60 some other people I could have been swapping with). You post a list of 100 things about yourself and your partner works from that.

01. I am a male
02. I am Canadian (not to be confused with Canadien)
03. I don't especially like beer
04. I am a Geek
05. I like Star trek, Star Wars, and Cyberpunk
06. I like the magewars novels by Mercedes Lackey and Larry Dixon
07. I like the Apprentice Adept series by Piers Anthony
08. My favourite book series is the Callahan series by Spider Robinson
09. I have been trained to pun since I was old enough to talk.
10. I have played Dungeons and Dragons for more than 20 years
11. I have played more than 20 different RPG game systems
12. I play M:tG, V:tES, Rage, and Raw Deal (2 of which are defunct)
13. I play World of Warcraft the MMORPG, the CCG and the RPG
14. My main character is a female dwarven paladin
15. I am a Bahai
16 I occasionally consume alcohal though it is religiously forbidden to me.
17. I support Marijuana Legalization
18. I do not and have never smoked (any substance)
19. I enjoy baking
20. I identify as a gourmand
21. I enjoy spicy food
22. I have been known to eat raw onions whole
23. I eat lemons like oranges
24. I do not like eggs
25. I worked in a liquor store for 5 years
26. I wrote 30 strips of a newspaper style comic about that job
27. I was a victim of armed robbery twice in 8 months.
28. I could get a UK passport because my father was born in Cornwall
29. I was legally deaf until I was 2
30. I am lactose intolerant (mildly now)
31. I follow the spirit guide of skunk
32. I own a full skunk pelt
33. I have no talent for drawing (thus my comic never being created)
34. I am an aspiring author
35. I have participated in NaNoWriMo for 4 years (never completed)
36. I have an older sister
37. I have a fascination with the criminal psyche
38. I am heterosexual
39. I support same sex marriage
40. I like Curvy/plus sized women
41. I like Redheads
42. I am not particularly fond of blondes
43. I am a Romantic
44. I wear women's clothing sometimes
45. I have a curvier butt than most girls I know
46. I have 2 different french maid outfits
47. At my Grad I was the only guy wearing a white Tuxedo
48. I have only dated three women in my life
49. Only 1 of the women I have dated was serious
50. I listen to a lot of different styles of music
51. I started listening to Swing Jazz at 8.
52. My favourite band is Judas Priest
53. I spell it favourite because I am Canadian
54. I am a fan of punk and Glam Rock
55. I am a big fan of burlesque
56. I love corsets
57. I have a large collection of movies
58. My favourite movie is "The Princess Bride"
59. I have seen every movie in the Saw series in theater
60. I like musicals from The Music Man and Phantom of the Opera to Rocky Horror Picture Show and Repo: the Genetic Opera.
61. My favourite Disney movie is The Nightmare before Christmas
62. I like B movies like Lair of the WHite Worm and Santa Clause Conquers the Martians
63. I am a Virgo
64. I am a Horse in the Lunar Zodiak
65. I sometimes speak in internetisms in real life
66. I have drank as much as an avergae of 2L of Pepsi a day
67. I recently switched to diet pop when it is possible
68. I had a pet snake as a child
69. Unlike many others my age I never owned an NES
70. When I was young I played more with girls than boys
71. My favourite colours are black and Lavender
72. I am fond of leopard print
73. I grew up on a hay farm
74. We raised pigs when I was young
75. I helped butcher the pigs
76. As a child I had to cut firewood
77. My aunt raised horses on our farm
78. I am allergic to horses
79. I was a small child
80. All my friends with children have girls
81. I have prepared a 3 course meal for 40 people
82. I once walked 25 KM (over 15 miles) to attend a wedding
83. I prefer cats over dogs
84. I started reading shakespeare at 12
85. I enjoy walking in the rain
86. I watch WWE (professional wrestling)
87. My favourite wrestler, Edge, is a bad guy or Heel character
88. As a child I wanted to be a paleontologist
89. My favourite dinosaur is the Ankylosaurus
90. A premonition dream once saved my life.
91. I am intrigued by movies and books about military training
92. I prefer winter cold over summer heat
93. I took 2 years of tae Kwon Do
94. I broke my arm as a teenager
95. I broke someone's nose in a fight once
96. I almost drowned once
97. I have never traveled more than 1800 KM (1100 miles) from my place of birth
98. I work in a customer support call center
99. I was once diagnosed with clinical depression
100. I like to make lists of things
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