I made this.

Aug 14, 2011 15:25

So in a fit on inspiration (read: boredom) yesterday, I went and made these.

A pair or parallettes made out of PVC, and a wicked ghetto sandbag.

The sandbag is interesting. Unlike many, it's not really "loose", so it doesn't shift around a lot, which is, like, a major feature of sangbags. It'll probably get a little floppier over time with use, but for now it's a dense lil' pain burrito. I'll be using it for short and intense metcon work.

The parallettes are for...well, I dunno. "Skills" training, I suppose. L-sit for the core, planche practice/progressions. Deeper depth on pushups. And, um, handstands.

Because y'know who practiced handstands a lot? The goddamned Batman, that's who.

That's right. I'm gonna train handstands because Batman did 'em too.

Shuddup. I'm awesome.

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