America. F&*^ Yeah!!

Apr 01, 2010 08:07

For some reason, right now  I am exceptionally proud to be a Navy Veteran.

The mission of the U.S. Navy is to "Maintain, train and equip combat-ready Naval forces capable of winning wars, deterring aggression and maintaining freedom of the seas."

Today, that last part happened!!

With all that is going on in the world today it stirs a great sense of pride in knowing that the U.S. Navy has found the opportunity to fulfill what I always considered to be it's primary function; Maintaining freedom of the seas.  For some reason, from my earliest days in the Navy, this portion of our mission statement has always struck a chord with me.

Our Navy has been asked to serve many functions throughout the years.  And since the japanese attacks on Pearl Harbor in 1941, the Navy has increasingly turned into a support system for aircraft carriers.  Not that there is anything wrong with that.  Anytime a political hotspot rises in the world, the first question that is asked is 'Which carriers do we have in the area?'  But, the days of ship-to-ship combat are largely behind us.

Somali priates have been ravaging the seas in the horn of Africa for some time now.  Last year three Navy Seals rescued the captain of an American shipping vessel who had been taken prisoner after his crew thwarted their attack.  Today, the USS Nicholas came under fire and responded by sinking a Pirate skiff and seizing a pirate 'Mother ship'.

Freedom of the seas?  Check!


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