Apr 03, 2005 17:54
PLease note: I am only taking this survey because I was asked to by the almight Kayla...
thank you...
Black lipstick?: nope
Black eyeliner?: nope
Black eye shadow?: oh you know it baby -_-
Black trench coat?: I want one so FUCKING BAD
Black boots?: nooo
Black fishnets?: NO DAMNIT
Black nail polish?: HELL YES
Cigarettes?: if you want to smell like ass all the time.
Heavy metal music?: oh yeah
Marilyn Manson?: sure
Kittie?: never heard of em
Cradle of Filth?: yeah I guess..
Do you like to be seen as:
An atheist?: Agnostic << yeah what she said
Hopelessly depressed?: sometimes.
Suffering with suicidal idealations?: I don't like to be seen that way
Self-mutilation?: nor that way
Plaid?: on girls, sure.
Big black boots?: on girls, sure
Mohawk?: hair = too fucking curly.
Loud, confident and opinionated?: loud if I feel like it
Wild hair colors?: someday
NOFX?: nah
Rancid?: not much.
What's your IQ?: never took an IQ thingy
Do you watch a lot of sports?: no...
Play a lot of sports?: no...
Talk a lot about sports?: No..
Are you arrogant?: no...
Are you a male or female whore?: no...
Are you homophobic?: no....
Parties = yes?: no...
Dropping out of high school and flipping burgers = yes? no...
Do you spend a lot of time on your appearance?: psh, no.
Make-up?: only black nail polish... if that counts... I think....
Low-cut tops?: me= male
How big are your boobs?: I wear a fucking z-bra! I know you're jealous
Do you flip your hair when you talk, even if you don't realize it?: only when I'm mocking people
Giggle a lot?: never
What's the deal with boys?: ah... ha.... ha....
Thongs?: no...?
Pretty bras?: black on girls, yes.
YM, Teen, Cosmo, et al?: why do you do this to me kayla? :-P
Who's the weaker sex?: only weaker people, not a weaker sex.
Are you a feminist?: the things I do for you kayla... the things I do...
Do you think Brad Pitt is hot?: No, I don't see what the big deal about him is. < what she said
Do you shave your legs?: that would be a litttle bit scary
Are you emotional?: too much for my own good