I will be twenty three years young come the full moon on the twenty sixth. I felt... I feel, it would be a pretty thing, a lovely ritual, for me to list the things I desire for. Mmmmmm..... thoughts of my magical gifts:
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Mmmm... I would like to send thanks to Tyler for his early gift of honey liqueur. I can't wait until I have to fight off a jealous bear. Then it will be beyond special. (interesting note: I am drinking the magical honey drink as I write this.) And yes Tyler does not have a Livejournal and will probably not read this, or maybe he will, but regardless, I am a believer in the idea that well wishes and feelings can be felt, whether or not it is actually physically heard or read.
list continues:
A Sword (Perhaps one to cut
The Gordian Knot?)
A Gundam (preferably Wing Zero (or at least some kind of system that will connect directly to my brain to make my response times faster))
Battle (so that my blood may rush)
People's belief in the magic I posses
Flower essences (so that they shall say "He has such sweet smelling skin.")
Faeries (to aid me on my journey through existence)
Angels (to give me clarity during times of doubt)
Armour (made from the scales of a wyvern)
... anything magical.