Those that can't... direct?

Jan 23, 2007 22:22

Today I've been thinking about Uwe (apparently pronounced 'Oovah') Boll. The man behind the House of the Dead, Alone in the Dark and Bloodrayne movie adaptations, and as such something of a hate figure amongst fans of a certain kind of film. I guess he's the Greg Land or Rob Liefield of this, well, field. Somehow I have only seen Alone in the Dark, and whilst I wouldn't want to judge anyone's entire career on the strengths weaknesses of that, it doesn't bode well, either*.

As we all know, many, many other people on the internet have spoken of Boll before me, and said many, many nasty things about him, and I'm not going to pretend to be above that sort of thing, but they've pretty much used all the fun insults already. This widespread criticism/abuse does not seem to have escaped Boll's notice.

Hotdog magazine recently ran an article on Boll's decision, last year, to challenge his detractors to three rounds in the boxing ring.


He used to be a semi-pro boxer, apparently, so he made short work of the critics who showed up. The idea does almost have a strange sub-Theatre of Blood charm, but then if your only means of defending your work is to hit people, what does that say about the work?

*Amongst (many) other flaws, Stephen Dorff pretends to be Jack Bauer and Tara Reid pretends to be an anthropologist. Mostly the problem is that the film is utterly incoherent and wastes any potential it had in a great hurry, although amusingly the inevitable sex scene reveals that Christian Slater's character has scars all over his back but none on his front, indicating strong survival traits, viz, running away.

giant shitcloud

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