
Mar 08, 2006 15:15

I now understand why no one reads towerview...its pretty boring. Ya no misquoting, but way to make my answers as dry as possible. Last time I trust a paper to be bold in any way. Here's the whole interview, should have trusted my intoxicated instincts. mmmmmmm censorship.

Why did you start this blog? If it started as a joke, how has it changed? What
purpose do you think it achieves?

It started as a joke, and still is a joke. Nothing I have written is serious, and my only “serious” point is that everyone at Duke takes themselves WAY too seriously. I am funny, deal with it. Any deeper meaning beyond that comes from the reactions and comments of my illustriously secure groups of peers. The only change has been that now everyone really cares what I have to say.

I was sick of reading watered down articles and opinions in the chronicle that refused to say anything of relevance about greek life. There has always been this big giant elephant in the middle of the quad that everyone can see and loves to talk about in private. Only this elephant is getting his leg humped by a frat boy, while performing oral on a sorority girl. And elephants have really large trunks.

So what does this achieve? Well hopefully people find this funny, and are secure enough laugh at their own and everyone else’s petty hang-ups. I’m sorry that questioning the sincerity of the greek system is too much for some to handle.

What do you think of student reaction, especially among students in fraternities
and soroities?
Amazing, hilarious, pathetic….take your pic or use all three. Who am I anyway right? They have taken what I originally wrote as an obviously satirical stereotyping of some visible organizations around campus, and made it seem like God’s words. Honestly can you really stereotype groups of 100 girls. “OMG that’s SOOOOO not me, I’m a tridelt and I’m nothing like that” Really Einstein you are probably right, so why don’t you step back for three seconds look at your group as a whole and chuckle a little at how ridiculous some of your sisters behave. What? You cant do that?!?! Well then I guess you are really doing a good job shedding that whole insecure label huh.

Those who have not commented calling me “very perceptive” or “right on” have attempted to fling as much poo at me as possible, which I believe only illustrates the point that they take me, and themselves, far too seriously. Oh ya, and that’s funny.
I have a question. Why is it only the kids from the “top” frats and sororities that are reacting like this? Simple, they all think they are pretty damn sweet, and can’t deal with someone joking around that they really aren’t all that special.

Do you really believe what you write, or is it mostly for shock value?
I write for humor, and part of that humor is the shock value of exposing the aforementioned horny elephant. Think of a Friar’s Club Roast, mixed with the Daily Show, and a little bit of South Park. I exaggerate, I stereotype, and I’m a little mean, so what it’s a joke, and the only people who take this seriously are the ones who write the comments. Since when has comedy NOT been a bit offensive? It would be naïve to believe that I can actually create a stereotype that accurately describes such large groups of people. The “opinions” I express are less mine, and more that of the entire Greek community. Dukeobsrvr’s blind faith in his ability to judge, insult, and typecast is part of the joke and the point.

Do you worry about being exposed? Or do you plan on revealing yourself at some
I mean word is the Pike’s are pretty pissed, so is a lot of theta. Aren’t they like married now? I guess I am slightly worried, but anonymity serves a larger purpose then protection. It eliminates bias, and its why everyone cares. If you knew who I was you would write this off this as some attempt to further my agenda, whether that be glorify my frat, slander another, or a bitter attack the system as a whole. I want to be funny, but I want to be fair. Pick on one, pick on everyone. I have not singled anyone out by name (minus the “Z-spot” writer) and thus far no one has done so on the comments pages either, something I will continue to respect and hope others do too.

As far as revealing myself, I have not made up my mind yet. I think iron is a little too hot to make any decisions just yet.

How long do you plan to continue?
Not sure. There isn’t a day that goes by where I don’t make some sort of pledge to leave it at that, but everyone seems to want to keep reading. I guess it will probably keep going until either people lose interest, or I cross a line so far that I somehow get shutdown. Who knows though, maybe I will stop tomorrow.

Can you tell me anything about yourself? gender, grade, major?
Ya I am a double major in sociology and women’s studies.

The majority of your posts have been observations of the Greek system. Do you
intend to change direction and comment more on other aspects of Duke life
(administration, ale, faculty, etc.)?
Ideally that’s the plan. We will see if people care. A part of me says the students just like to hear me bash on the popular kids, but I think I can do a decent job with other aspects at this University…this place is sorta absurd don’t you think? Maybe I will write something about Dean Bryan and Larry Moneta’s closet love affair. I mean it makes sense right, the two of them do like to put it straight up our poopers when we try to have any fun at Duke.

How do you get some of your more controversial information (for example,
patterns of drug use)? Is it from personal experience, word of mouth, etc?

Some comes from being around it I guess. Its really a combination of everything, its not like people do a great job of hiding it. Just because a facebook group has a disclaimer saying “Membership in this group is not an admission of illicit drug use,” does not keep fellow students (and faculty and employers you idiots!) from knowing you like to do a few key bumps to keep you going strong through the night. I feel like an anonymous writer claiming so and so does drugs is far less incriminating than posting a drunken picture and being a member of “Smoking Pot is Goooood.”

spring break bitches
- yours truly

ps. this is fun kids, maybe I will tell you who I am soon.
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