to elliott

Feb 18, 2006 22:21

It is a sad day at Duke University. Your beloved website, that allowed us all to watch almost any movie/tv show that we wanted, is no more. My question is this: did you get shut down because what you were doing was against the law, or was Larry Moneta just sick of getting drop kicked right in the nuts by your column every week? I look forward to hearing what you have to do say about this in your editorial this week. We are all bummed.

just to make sure everyone understands how many times you have managed to skewer our beloved Vice President of Student Affairs I am going to go ahead and link some your more recent, and pertinent, articles:

Elliot, I hope you are not in any trouble, everyone here at duke appreciates what you do, both by exposing the Universities problems, and providing us with an unimaginable service. I hope you have managed protected yourself enough that you are not in any legal trouble.
- yours truly
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