Title: Out With The Old! (prompt: Fresh Start, Butterbeer, School, Responsibility)
Words: 100
A/N: These prompts are from, respectively, March, 2015, September 2014, August 2014, and December 2012.
Going back for seventh year was less of a fresh start than Harry’d hoped. Same old stares. Same old Binns. Same old butterbeer in Hogsmeade. Same old drafty corridors. Same old. . . well, Head Boy responsibilities were new. And the having-a-wonderful-girlfriend-to-snog-who-was-actually-in-the-same-classes-he-was concept was marvelous. And not dealing with Snape’s hatred was fabulous. And knowing that he wouldn’t be facing Voldemort at the end of the year. And what was with that? Did Voldemort plan his major attacks so they didn’t interfere with Harry’s schooling? How. . . thoughtful.
Maybe it was a fresh start. And he intended to grab on with both hands.
A/N: AU, obviously, but probably also AU from my drabble universe.