Title: Choice of Name (prompt: Fawkes)
Words: 100
A/N: Once again, I had to drastically cut down the original.
“Harry James Potter, Snape was a mean-spirited, small-minded, petty man!”
“I don't care! You are not naming our child Severus Wulfric Potter! That's like naming a child Please-Beat-the-Snot-Out-of-Me Potter!”
“Maybe Severus as a middle name?”
Ginny still didn't like it, but. . . “You really want this, don't you?”
Harry nodded.
“Okay, Severus as a middle name. But I get to name our next child. Deal?”
“I guess-what are you thinking of?”
“Well, the Chamber was very significant . . .”
Harry smiled, touched by her wanting to name a child after him.
“So, I was thinking Gryffindor Fawkes Potter.”
A/N: This fits between “Of Course It Is!” and “Consequences”. And, if you want to, you could read the
Director’s Cut, which is more than twice as long, and which I, once again, like better.