OOC: Application

Feb 15, 2012 11:18

Your Name: Maresuke
Age: 23
Username: bluebk 
Email: orianosake@gmail.com
IM: IAmCubeMun

Character Name: Duke Alla D’Aubergine, nickname is “Duke”

Background: B.G., known currently as Alla, was created by a god of fear and has always been very loyal to him until the humans from his world found a way to seal his father away, tossing B.G. into another world. Being torn from his father, he was lost and furious but determined to free his father. Blinded by rage, B.G. caused much destruction for the new world he was placed in. Many human lives were taken before he was stopped. As punishment for all the lives he had taken and destroyed, the god of that world decided to curse him, sending him from world to world to complete a task only known by destiny. No matter how large or how small it was, he would remain stuck in that world until he had completed what he was there for and then sent to another to repeat the process. Although punishment was the plan, when tumbling into another dimension, B.G. lost his memories and has no conscious idea who he is or where he came from. In his confusion, B.G. was captured and sold as a slave. However, much to his luck he wasn't treated as one. Duke Airen D’Aubergine, The gentleman who bought him, taught him to speak, read, and gave him the name of Alla. As Alla learned, he worked as Duke Airen’s steward and assistant. Soon, Alla found out about his darker nature and with help from his master, he started to learn to control his emotions so his monster form would not reign out of control. To not exhaust himself and stay clear of harming others, Alla learned how to absorb fear that is experienced during nightmares. Through time, it was apparent that Duke Airen wanted to adopt Alla as a son, but due to the laws of the kingdom, he was forbidden to do so. That was until Duke saved the kingdom’s only heir, thus granting him freedom and ability to be Airen’s adopted son. Unfortunately, Duke Airen soon after passed, leaving his title to Alla, who soon afterward was thrown into another world, unable to grieve. Since, Alla has yet to regain all his memories of his father or his home, but has created many new ones during his travels. Uncertain of how people act everywhere he arrives, he tends to put up walls of uncertain truths about himself.

Background - Extended

Duke Original Home World:
The planet itself is made of broken islands, much more water than Earth itself. There are floating rocks with hanging waterfalls and some that even disappear into the clouds. The God of Fear is a strange enormous sea creature that has control over elements like Water and Air and Ice. He feeds upon the planet itself and resembles a giant jellyfish. Alla has a brother, who also lives off the people and creatures of the world by possessing them and using their bodies until they decay. Alla simply feeds off the energy emitted when one is fearful but by doing so, used to keep harems of people to feed from, leaving them just alive enough to feed from. Alla was animalistic back then.

The creatures on that world are very human-like but more tribal. Over time, the many clans drew their ideas together and eventually found a way to stop the reign of terror that Alla's father had brought upon the world. They came to realize they could not destroy the god, for many ill effects would lay upon their world, specially since he controlled the tides and seas. Many Shaman worked together to find a way to seal the god of fear into a false moon, which was to orbit the planet indefinitely. On the other hand, the two sons of evil were not needed so they were to be displaced and forgotten. It was someone else's problem now.

Of course, as described before, Alla did not like this at all, and went a rampage, tearing people apart and spreading his spots in search for a way home... blinded by rage and sadness too. However, there was a guardian of that world, Elisa. The unbalanced death brought her to trap Alla and contain the anger he had inside. It did not work, but she wanted to teach the rabid fear child a lesson, and cursed him to travel for eternity to pay back for the sins and death he caused in the very body of the one's he killed. However, she did not anticipate on him loosing his memory... making his punishment not as harsh as she would hope.

Upon arriving in the new world, Alla traveled through a forest of rock and sand until he was captured. Shoved into a cage, confused and scared, Alla was set up for sale as a slave after being inspected. A group of noblemen were passing through the facility when Alla caught Duke Airen D’Aubergine's interest. On the spot, Duke Airen decided to buy Alla. It was a shock to many who knew him. Duke Airen was one who believed against the slavery in the kingdom but he also didn't treat Alla much like a slave. However, Alla did not live without hardship. He found out the hard way that he was more then human by suddenly changing into his monstrous self upon experiencing glee. When his spots returned, Duke also caused the other staff in the manor to flee and the eldest Butler to go insane. Duke Airen D’Aubergine still refused to disown Alla. He told him to not trow away his emotions but to control them and harness them. It was Duke Airen that came up with the idea for Duke to consume the fear people experience in their sleep during nightmares. This would prevent people from growing suspicious while keeping Alla from starving.

Over a course of two decades, Alla served Duke Airen as his personal assistant and steward because servants could not be adopted by law. It was the closest Duke Airen could make Alla until a lucky incident enabled him to do more. Shortly after the Kingdom's Heir went missing, Alla rescued a young lady from being beaten to death in the woods just outside D'Aubergine Manor. She was revealed to be the Kingdom's missing heir. Unintentionally, Duke had done just what he needed to be granted citizenship. Several months afterward, Alla was also adopted by Duke Airen. Unfortunately, within the year, the Duke and proud father passed due to an unexpected illness. Upon Duke Airen's passing, Alla inherited the title of Duke and the D'Aubergine manor. However, he was unable to stay in that world. His purpose there was fulfilled, and he soon disappeared.

It was then Duke Alla became confused as to what was happening. He found himself in a strange town he had never seen before and with a language he had never heard of, either. But that became a common thing for him over time and now tends to try and enjoy the small details of each world he is kicked into... hopefully one day being able to return the the Manor.

Appearance: In his human form, Alla shows a nice peach complexion with light pink hair and blue eyes. He's roughly 5 foot 8 inches tall and sports a bright red tailed suit with a white ruffle-sleeve undershirt along with a blue cravat. Upon the cravat is a clear glass pin with a dark shadow substance inside known to him as his "dots" or "spots."

When Alla's emotions are extreme, his body changes into his natural form, which is less human-like. In this form, he looks more like a Satyr with hooves and curly horns. However, he has a long hairless tail with a fluffy plume at the end and the fur on his legs only reach up to his knees. His skin is blue with black markings on his face and hands. His claws are a cloudy glass-looking bone material that match his hooves. His hair is mostly black but still a light pink streak in the front with two big fluffy ears on each side of his head. One black, the other is white. Alla's eye color doesn't change when he changes forms. they remain blue. However, his actual eye size does enlarge along with his body. As a monster, in normal stance, he stands roughly 6 foot 4 inches.

Turning into his natural form is not pleasant and very painful as his horns pierce his skin. The process gets faster each time but never less painful. Normally, it takes two to three days before his body is able to completely change back. During this time, Alla sheds his body like a snake would their skin.

Spoken / written languages: English, bit and pieces of alien/foreign languages due to world jumps.

Abilities: Can conjure his “dots” to attack or spy with. His “spots”, as he also calls them, are small, round, and shadow-like spheres that are primarily used to absorb the fear in other beings. They're light and float as they appear to weigh nothing at all. Dots can be used to swarm a target, overpowering someone with their fears. When in large amounts, they can resemble a swarm of insects and can also be used in dark corners as camouflage. If there are enough of them, Alla can stand on them and float for a small while, despite his own weight. Attacking his spots does harm Alla, but not nearly as much as attacking him directly. However, if one were to take his spots away, Alla would run the risk of starving to death because without them, he can't consume fear. He has also learned to change his hands into his monster form’s claws upon command, which are strong enough to tear through iron and some steel.

Not so much an ability but a flaw, Alla has a type color blindness like Tritanope color blindness, where he can see Reds and Blues but no green but also sees things at a high saturation level. Because of this, pink and orange things look red and he mistakes them as such most often. Thus, one may find him wearing pink, when he believes it to be red.

Items: His handkerchief, and a small red change purse of gold coins inside.

Third Person Sample:

Although the vegetation around took upon familiar shapes, their colors were enough to remind Alla he was not anywhere familiar in the least. It wasn't a surprise to be in an unknown place, and thankfully this world was one where English was not unheard of. The food here was even similar enough to that which he felt most comfortable with. Tea and cakes. It was nearly a dream... until reality settles back in. After all, he wasn't in a manor, or a nice cafe. He was up a tree, hiding from some angry humans who had mistaken him for something he wasn't, once again. If he hadn't have become so overwhelmed with delight, he may have been able to detour from this sort of situation for a bit longer. After all these years, he still hasn't found a way to control himself when it came to a well made sandwich.

However, the situation was starting to sink in. The tree could barely hold his weight, and the bright colors did poorly to hide his dark skin and clear horns. Sliding down the tree, Alla tried again to sneak away from the hunting humans. It's not as though he did anything wrong this time. He just was what he was.


As quiet as he tried to be, his monstrous form was easily spotted. It was obvious that he was spotted when the flying projectiles whistling past his large ears. Then again, not all the little bead-like bullets flew past him, some embedded themselves into his skin. He wasn't sure what they were and he hadn't the time to stop and figure it out. Only thing Duke knew was how painful they stung. The sound of rustling leaves, and the shouts of humans echoed all around him. Alla wasn't moving slower, was he? He truely didn't want to hurt these people. He swung his tail in defense, knocking a tree into it's neighbor but missing any actual creature.

Their faces started to become clear. The wrinkled nose of the man holding a long stick... a gun? It was hard to focus suddenly. All Duke could think about at that very moment was how he did not wish to hurt these people but, at the same time, they were not leaving him much of a choice. He didn't want to be a monster but little by little, the air around the Alla became thick with darkness. Small round spots of darkness, voids, surrounded him. The tiny shadows scattered as they were attacked, in turn wrapping themselves around the nearest humans. Leaving only one thing.


Not shrill screams, but ones from the bottom of a man's stomach and from within the sea of a man's fears. It was then that Alla made his escape. Climbing trees and propelling himself from one to another, leaving a wrecking ball's damage in his steps. The energy he absorbed was just enough of an aid to focus on where to go next. It was too bad he couldn't just hibernate in the cellar of that nice deli. Oh, how his mind wondered, specially as the screams and yelps of humans faded.

This certainly was not his idea of a good day. It was more of a typical-after-eating-a-sandwich day.

First Person Sample:

You wish to know about 'my world?' [The brightly dressed Duke smiled, as he pulled his index finger away from his chin]

I'm afraid you're mistaken. I do not own "worlds." at all. Not much belongs to be aside from the manor my father left me in his passing and the clothes upon my shoulders. Oh! Could you mean the world in which I was raised? There is nothing special about that world, except the delicious sandwiches that are created there. Of all the worlds I've traveled to, one would think the creation of a sandwich would be an easy task. Unfortunately, that is not the case. To find a sandwich in each world is a rather hard task.... except this one, it seems. I'm delighted to see such fine quality of ingredients upon this strange vessel considering...

[Duke paused a moment, looking off into the sky for a moment. His blue eyes appeared relaxed and without focus for at least a minute before he blinked. The shock upon his face only lasted a moment as he recalled he was speaking]

Ah, pardon me. That was rather rude, was it not? Where were we...?

Oh yes. May I ask what type of world it is that you come from, sir?

Preferred Quarters: Pick one for me~ He'd like it if it was Pink Red themed~

!application, elegante

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