I am so suicidal! mom & dad was totally unfair to me yesterday and now I'm totally never speaking to them again :-(.
Oh and I don't know why
candylove went all psycho over me and
smilemarilyn having a little fun.
What sucks is that
fatwetdog went around saying how I got caught dissing on
pushyourluck. If I get my hands on them they gonna be hurtin!
smilemarilyn added another meme to their journal. GOD I HATE THAT!!!1!one!
I feel so listless! I went to gaming group with
stacy_baby and
_teabag Wednesday but the game master is totally playing the NPCs to his own liking. That totally sucked!
Oh yeah. yesterday at work sucked.
And also everybody has asked why I'm leaving the furry fandom but the answer is simple: Some of you know who you are and why I'm leaving FOREVAR.
I feel so furious! the other day at school I got in a huge fight with
Oh and
236260 went around saying how they saw me talking to
miabebe and backstabbing
interstellar__. Don't let me hear about that again or I'm going 2 whup asses!
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