From my blog:
Nat, the resident fiesty green-eyed girl inhabiting
R-S.NET, asked me in my last entry why nobody ever comments.
Aside from liking
Snow Patrol (Mums and Dads of the World, be patient with your children), which makes her very cool in my book, I'll answer her because I haven't anything to really blog, which is why I eeer....haven't.
I never was one to clutter my blog with daily entries when nothing really happened. Some people might not like it because there's nothing new every day of the week, but the blog is here for me, not to please anyone else. People are welcome to read it, take things and lessons away from it and add them to their lives, but it doesn't matter to me if they don't. Not that much anyway.
Strangely enough, I get a lot of lurkers. There are on average about seven hundred hits a month to this blog, about 400 unique. I know people read this stuff, they just don't comment. It doesn't bother me really...I'd rather have a few good comments than dozens of "very nice mate" or "how cute!!!<3!!"
In other news:
A week or so ago I had an ephiphany of sorts, a moment of lucidness where I saw some things in a way I'd never seen before. I think it was the Irish dramatist
George Bernard Shaw who once said "my education was greatly interrupted by my schooling." I know, first of all its weird for a pierced skater-kid like myself to be reading the works of long dead writers. Anyway, I never really understood what he meant until a while ago:
Too often the things we are taught from birth restrict us to one vision, one way of thinking, and shut out all others. We become blind to seeing other ways of the world because of the way we are taught. That's what Shaw was talking about. You have to start thinking for yourself, question everything you've ever been told is true, find the truth for yourself. You might wind up in exactly the same place you are right now, but at least that truth of who you are and what you believe is your own truth, and not second hand. And that kind of truth is more precious than anything else on this rock.