Man is incapable of a balanced view

May 04, 2009 11:21

This whole aware thing has really cheesed me off, on one hand the people who took over the committee did so covertly and proceeded to make asses of themselves under the guidance of that idiot thio.

But on the other hand, the old guard and their legion of Lesbians (henceforth known as LL) overreacted to a point where this stopped being a petty squabble and exploded into a national issue. This is what happens when you get a bunch of women fighting over stuff. I'm sorry if that sounds sexist but women can really be incapable of just chilling the hell out.

And what's worse, the faggots around the island sent death threats. DEATH THREATS!? what is so important about aware that it's worth killing for? the only thing aware stood to lose was its polarised view of how homosexuality should be treated in singapore.

things i can live with...

"let's accept homosexuals" sure, why not? how different from the rest of us are they really?

But, the line is obviously crossed when...

"don't call your husband "husband", instead use "partner" so that you be more inclusive" ok, hold on a minute, you're kidding right? it's non inclusive to call one's husband "husband"? i don't even know where to start on this moronic line of logic. husband and partner is not the same, it's only the same to a homosexual who cannot (or doesn't want to) have a husband. so because of your restriction, we have to change? over generalising just so you feel comfortable is not an option.

and the icing upon the shit filled cake, "anal sex can be healthy as long as you use a condom" what utter bullshit. anal sex is unhealthy for two reasons, one is that it causes rupturing a lot more easily leading to a transfer of blood, and hence a higher incidence of HIV transmission. but the other, equally problematic consequence, is incontinence you ignorant fools! the sphincter muscles are not meant to be repeatedly expanded and contracted the way it will be during anal sex and hence eventually you just get a constantly wide open anus, and yes kids, that's healthy!

i mean, if you want them to have anal sex, thats your bloody problem, but don't let them think it's totally without consequence to do it!

dumb ass feminists.
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