Long time, no post...
Busy writing and stuff.
And organising a Manhunt in Sheffield next Saturday. (How long is it since you last played Hide & Seek? Too long, I'm guessing...)
I'll reply to those outstanding comments soon, I promise, but at 0315 all I'm up to is using this as a random place to list some books I may otherwise forget to order, but can't justify buying off Amazon - at least until my last order arrives. If you've read any of them and don't think I should bother, do tell me.
Daniel Bell, 'The Cultural Contradictions of Capitalism' (old, but I read about it three years ago and it keeps coming back to mind)
Richard Sennett, 'The Fall of Public Man' (read a library copy years ago and, though his overall arguments don't hold together, it's a jumble of fascinating digressions which I find myself wanting to refer to)
'Politics Without the State', ed. George & Mudede (several chapters by Nicolas Veroli, whose essay on Descartes & the enclosure of knowledge, 'How a Fiction became the Truth', is brilliant)
Andrew Ross, 'No Collar: The Humane Workplace and its Hidden Costs' (thanks to
Charles Leadbeater, 'Up the Down Escalator' (because I'm preoccupied with optimism, pessimism and hope and suspect I'll disagree with it - although since writing it, he's become fascinated by Illich - albeit a rather sanitized, secular version)
Also the history of the department store which Sennett quotes from in 'The Fall of Public Man'
It really is time to sleep...