Recounting the Last Few Days...

Oct 18, 2006 23:44

Hello all,
I'm set to make my return to LJ. I haven't updated for a stretch because I've been working OT as of late. However, that doesn't mean nothing has happened recently. In fact, I have so much to talk about that I know I will forgot to mention a few things, so without further rambling, here it goes...
1. Monday: British Economy midterm at 10am. As you would expect, I prepared pretty thoroughly and did my best to make sure I was on top of every single piece of material. I changed up my exact style of studying and it may have been beneficial to some degree, but I'll have to see if it works in future occassions before a propert assessment can be made. As it turned out, I flopped. I choked. I joined the exclusive and unfortunate club the New York Yankees have found themselves members of the past two years. By now, with two years of sufficient exam experience, I thought I had exhausted all the possible ways to fuck up an exam. Yet again, I proved myself exam. On Friday, Rask gave a review session and gave an indication of 3-question exam. Turns out that I can no longer take his word, which is unfortunate, but a lesson learned. It was much more than that so the only person to blame is me. I mismanaged my time awfully. It was a 4-question exam w/ 4 parts to each. This was unlike most Econ exams, in which you're given a hypothetical situation and answer via diagrams and graphs. Our class is mostly a comprehensive examination of different parts of the British economy (minimum wage, labor relations, economic history, etc). So, this exam tested our ability to understand different phases of British economic history and what factors contributed to periods of decline/expansion, policies that worked/failed, etc. I spent way too much time on questions 1 and 2 and by that time, I had dug my grave. I began answering the last question at the ending time. He gave me 10 minutes extra, but it was for naught, as I had barely answered it to any degree of thoroughness. Needless to say, I was upset and have been and dread seeing the result. It's also angering to fall behind others in this group, who I recognize as bright, but who I can keep up w/ just as well. Nothing can be done now, but prepare for next time. I hate saying that b/c that's always the reasoning and when next time comes, there's always another failure. Its a vicious cycle that I need to escape from somehow.
2. Moon for the Misbegotten: Monday night's play was a Kevin Spacey production, which I had forgotten about all day till we got to the theatre of my anger about the exam. Usually, we sit in the boondocks of the theatre since we're a large group and can't afford to spend much on tickets. However, realizing the importance of this play, our Prof. hooked us up. We were in the second row and literally 10 feet away from Mr. Spacey. As it turned out, I didn't enjoy the play so much because it was almost a English production w/ a clear Bollywood influence. In other words, it was a story of human relationships, combined w/ love and deceit and an inability to accept one's past mistakes. Kevin Spacey's character was a lost soul, incapable of coming to terms of his shady past. His mother died when he was in his youth (teenage years) and according to his character, he didn't attend her funeral because he was too pissed. He was also a chain-smoker and a heavy curser. He also slept w/ bimbos and rejected a true love proposal from the play's main character because he didn't want to hurt her and he believed he wasn't worthy of her companionship. Nonetheless, he gave an amazing performance, and especially since I've only seen him in a few movies, it made it all the more appreciable. There was also another recognizable actor, Colm Meaney. Funny name, he was a noticeable face and it turned out, he's from Con Air, Star Trek, etc. ( After the play, Hasan and I made an attempt to get Spacey's autograph and we were successful. We had to wait almost an hour, but it was obviously well worth it. I worked up the courage to have a brief chat with him, besides asking him just for his autograph. As usual, I was unprepared and didn't have my camera with me, but I can go back next week if I really want a photo w/ him. So, with that lucky experience, all wasn't lost on Monday. On the tube ride home, an interesting occurrence took place. At one stop a guy got on that looked just like Kale. I wasn't paying attention until this point, but once I saw this fellow, my attention was captured. He looked just like him and it could have even been him because I have no idea where he is right now and we stared each other down as if we harbored a grudge. His hair, his facial appearance and mannerisms were all the same. I couldn't hear his voice to confirm, but I was ready to throw it down. Eventually, got home safely.

There are a few other things I want to write about but its 1 and I want to go to bed, so I'll keep you in suspense, not that I have any more worthwhile stories to mention anyways. So, have a good night and you'll hear from me soon.
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