Sep 12, 2005 05:33
dude. i had the scariest fucking dream earlier while napping: i went to work, apparently passed out at some point, and woke up at some bad-ass coffee company gala event in a colorful greek colliseum-lookin' thing filled with tropical plant life, completely unaware of where i was and full of dread since i'd apparently passed out and didn't know what consequences that'd have. then i started seeing a lot of people in the store shirt that i'd never seen before and from there, i just started running. i saw the owner and he told me to go take care of something but i just kept running and there was this narcotic feeling of absolute delerium that just became my complete motivation for running aimlessly, as far as i could from whatever was going on. i don't even know if something was chasing me. i was yelling drunkenly about not being able to keep living off of caffeine and how i needed to sleep and how i was dying or something, and i felt like if i slowed down they would catch me and reel me into this perpetually uncomfortable whatever-they-were-doing. the most distinct thing i remember was this feeling of incredible fear, but i'm not quite sure of what. it was kind of exciting now that i think about it. and then my alarm went off, and i had to go to work.
i went in and told my manager that i was considering quitting. i can't decide.