CUPE Strike

Jun 22, 2009 15:58

I am a little upset that our garbage won't be picked up for a couple of weeks, but I am really dismayed at the ritual outpourings of rage against the union.  I think that this rage would be more constructively directed at the city officials and bureaucrats that got us into the pickle jar.

Just a few points,

-  Why aren't we mad at the city for setting up the conditions for this to happen a second time ?  Allowing contract dates to end just in time to be ready for a summer strike, a negotiating point going forward should be contracts that end in such away as to time potential strikes for November

-  Why aren't we mad a the city for 6 months of non-negotiation that got us into this mess.  If you make contract agreements (whether in good times or bad) there is an expectation that you keep them going forward, or you offer concessions if you are going to rescind them.  We cannot expect people to sit silently and let us take away contractual benefits once granted. From the news clips I have been able to dig up the city has been pretty uncooperative at the negotiating table.

-  a quick googling of the phrase 'Toronto city hall raises' shows that they are more then happy to vote themselves a %9 raise (July 2006).  If times are tough why don't we renegotiate there contracts?

-  We are upset about the potential for a CUPE employee to receive up to 6 months of full pay prior to retirement  (after 25-30 years of service) in lieu of sick days… how about we get upset at this clause regarding city council remuneration (to which they are eligible for after holding office for 30 days)

A. The severance remuneration payable under § 223-5 shall be equal to 1/12 of the member’s annual remuneration, at the rate in force immediately before he or she ceases to be a member, for each year of consecutive service to a maximum of 12years

This clause gives a city councilor 6 months of full pay after serving for 6 years, and they still get to take sick days!!!

I am not saying that city council should bear the brunt of our anger either.  I just think that we should all think little more critically before we jump to the old anti-union, ‘they have it better then me why are they complaining’ rhetoric.

More to follow as the garbage piles up :-)

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