Oct 31, 2012 08:20
First off, we hope you survived the night. If you had a loved one who was killed, our hearts go out to you. Those of you who lost your homes in the fires and floods, we hope you have somewhere warm, safe, and dry to go.
The next few months are going to suck. There's no two ways around it--they will be cold, you will be fearful and worried, and your whole life will be turned upside down. Please, if you can, find somebody to talk to about this. It's normal to be terrified, it's normal to be angry, it's normal to blame folks and yell at them and all that. It's normal to be depressed, to not sleep well, or to be just tired all the time. It's normal. You will be okay, we promise, but if you start to feel overwhelmed or violent, please find a counsellor. If you have kids, definitely get them to counselling. If they're younger than ten, this is all too new for them to understand what is happening. If they are coping well, that's one less thing for you to worry about. Meanwhile, PLEASE complain, as much as you want. If you're complaining about something, it means you're alive and well enough to complain, and not so injured or terrified or ravaged or bereft that all you can do is stare at the wreckage with tears in your eyes. We get it, we promise.
When it's time to help you put your cities and towns back together, we'll be there, too. It's only fair. You helped us pick up after Dennis, Emily, Katrina, Rita, and Wilma in 2005. You helped us in 2009 with Gustav and Ike and just this past September you helped us pick up after Isaac. It's our turn now and we will do for you like you did for us.
We've been through this many, many, many times before, and we promise, you will be okay. It will be a long hard road to hoe before you get there, and you will face hassles, dangers, and inconveniences that you've never had to deal with before, but you will be okay.
We're on your side. We will help you get through this.
The Gulf Coast