I am officially bored

Jun 14, 2005 17:29

*stolen from Christy!*

NAME= Denise Renee Stanley

: piercing(s) = yes; earrings

: tattoos = no way

: height= 5'5” ish?

: shoe size = 7 1/2 to 8

: hair color = blonde

: siblings = yes; Sissy & Bubby! lol..Tish & Garry


: movie you rented = Laws of Attraction

: movie you bought = geez..I dunno!

: song you listened to = Just a Lil’ Bit..by my man-50!..*lol*

: song that was stuck in your head = um…ColT 45..ha*

: cd you bought = mm? dunno-mostly burn em’

: cd you listened to = *click* -gangsta style!

: person you've called = Delrena

: person that's called you = Delrena

: tv show you've watched = Seinfeld

: person you were thinking of = while watching Seinfeld?? Or right now?..Seinfeld-I dunno…right now-Delrena because I had to think about who called me last=)


: you have a crush on someone = mm..maybe!

: you wish you could live somewhere else = for the most part no

: you think about suicide = never ever

: you believe in online dating = ah..I guess for certain ppl.not my cup of tea though

: others find you attractive = I reckon’? they say they do anyways..haha*

: you want more piercings = no

: you like cleaning = sometimes…but no not really

: you like roller coasters = yes!

: you write in cursive or print = both


: long distance relationships = shew, was in one for like a year and it took work but it can be done! So yeah I’m for them! It really helps you appreciate the other person and their efforts to see you!

: using someone = against

: suicide = against

: killing people = against

: teenage smoking = against

: driving drunk = against

: gay/lesbian relationships = against

: soap operas = for!


: ever cried over a girl = yep

: ever cried over a boy = yep

: ever lied to someone = yep

: ever been in a fist fight = only w/ my brother but I don’t think that counts…

: ever been arrested = nope

: ever gotten pulled over by the police = yep


: shampoo do you use = Thermasilk

: shoes do you wear = the ones that go on my feet..lol…flip-flops…tennis shoes…high heels…whatever goes w/ my outfit!

: are you scared of = sharks! And really super scary movies! I just can’t stand them!


: of times I have been in love? = 1

: of times I have had my heart broken? = 1

: of hearts I have broken? = mm..I’m not sure on that one

: of girls I have kissed? = ewe..none

: of boys I have kissed? = oh I’d say about 12 - 15ish??

: of people I would classify as true, could trust with my life type friends? = around 5

: of times my name has appeared in the newspaper? = geez I dunno!

: of scars on my body? = 2 or 3

: of things in my past that I regret? = I don’t think I regret anything! =) Praise Jesus


: pretty - I guess…

: funny - I can be…

: hot - I’m freeeezing right now in this library!

: friendly - I sure do

: amusing - I definitely am that to most ppl!

: ugly - nope

: loveable - Yep

: caring - Yep

: sweet - Yep

: dorky - Oh yeah..


: 4 letter word: omg..?...love

: Candy: Werthers *sp?*

: Cereal: Frost Flakes

: Chewing gum: Juicy Fruit

: Color(s): Pink and Peaches

: Day of week: Saturday or Sunday

: Least fave day: Monday

: Flower: Gerber Daisy…and Tulips

: Jello flavor: cherry?

: Special skills/talents: hmm..I don’t burp! lol..if that’s a talent?! I also don’t worry, normally! =)

: Summer/Winter: Summer

: Trampolines or swimming pools: Swimming pools


: Slept in your bed: me

: Saw you cry: oh gosh…? My mom

: Made you cry: well everyone knows who…

: You went to the movies with: Kristen and Tiffy

: Yelled at you: Melissa..no wait Delrena..lol*

: Sent you an email: Britney


: Said "I love you" and meant it?: yep

: Gone out in public in your pajamas: yep

: Kept a secret from everyone: yep

: Cried during a movie: definitely

: Ever at anytime owned new kids on the block stuff: Oh Lord yes! Went to the concert and everything! Jordan was my man…I think he was anyways!

: Planned your week based on the TV Guide: nope can’t say that I have

: Been on stage: yes

: Been to New York: yes

: Been to California: yes

: Hawaii: yes

: China: no

: Canada: no-got close though in n.y.

: Europe: no

: Asia: no

: South America: no …we’re North America right?

: Australia: no but I would love to go there and to Greece!

: Wished you were the opposite sex: hmm..for like a day just to see how things look through their eyes but no longer than that!

: What time is it now?: 5:16-gotta go class starts at 5:30

: Apples or bananas?: apples

: Blue or red?: blue

: Walmart or target?: well since walmart is all we have around here I’ll go w/ that one but I do LOVE target!!

: Spring or Fall?: Fall

: What are you gonna do after you finish this?: Go to ASL 2

: High school or college?: college

: Are you bored?: I am very very bored

: Last noise you heard?: chair squeaking

: Last smell you sniffed?: my perfume *Chloe*

: Last time you went out of state/province?: um..this past weekend on our little trip!


: Do you believe in love at first sight?: no..I think you can be very attracted at first sight but you can’t fall in love.

: Do you want children one day & if so, how many?: yep 3


: Criminal record?: no

: Do you speak any other languages?: little bit of this..little bit of that..haha* seriously a bit of French, no Spanish I hate that language..and now of course American Sign Language!

: Last book you read: Christopher Sparks…I can’t remember the name of it but about the fireman…lol..hero or something?? I dunno but it was great!

: things in your bedroom?: bed, mirror, clothes, pictures, shoes, books, everything! lol

: Things you dislike about yourself the most: I’m too nice….I need to start being mean! lol..for real, I am too nice to ppl but I guess that’s just how God wants me to be and that’s why He gave me friends like I have..to stick up for me! =)

: Worst feeling in the world: When your world comes crashing down because everything you’ve believed in for so long was a lie.

: Who you love: my God, my family and my friends!

: Who you miss: ?? dunno that one!


: Nickname(s): Nise, Niser, Nisey, Nisey-Cup,Nerd,D*ray,Barbie,Legally Blonde Lawyer..lol don’t make me go on!

: Initials: DRS

: How old do you look?... 20ish?

: How old do you act?: well that’s a big range of numbers-haha*

: Glasses/Contacts: NO, Thank God..I’m au natural!

: Braces: In like 8th grade..I still sleep in my retainer though =) everybody who knows me knows that I’m a teeth freak! lol

: Do you have any pets?: Yes! Daisy Mae Stanley…dog…Maltese-8 months old!

: You get embarrassed: yes…I’m pretty shy!

: What makes you happy?: spending time with my family, they rock!

: What upsets you?: When ppl say..’oh it’s Denise…she’s just pretty’…lol! Ahh! That kills me!


: I Miss…you!..lol

: I Wish...everyone peace, love and happiness! =)

: I Hope...we have fun in Daytona!

: I'm Annoyed by... immature ppl who act like babies and then I’m even more annoyed by the fact that ppl cater to their needs!

: I Am...happy! and late for class!

: I Would Never...get near a shark!

: I Am Tired of...this thing! Goodbye!
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