Well, one brain. Mine!
This afternoon I did a language experiment at the BU Medical Center, which involved having an MRI while I answered questions about sentences for about an hour and a half. I was nervous because I thought it was going to be really hard to stay still, but it wasn't so bad. And in a few weeks I'll get a check for $150!
Also today I went to a service at the ISKCON (International Society for Krishna Consciousness) Temple of New England for my Hinduism class. It was nice to see people dancing and singing and happy during a religious service instead of cold and self-righteous and silent. And there was a delicious meal afterwards and everyone chatted with one another and it was very nice. This one woman sat next to me and we talked a bit and I asked her about how she came to be part of the congregation (she was like 50 and white) and she said she'd been raised Catholic and then tried a lot of religions, and that when she found this one she knew it was the right one. That really depressed me for some reason. It just made everything feel so consciously fake, and yet it was so necessary for her to indentify herself with a certain tradition. But she seemed really happy with her final conversion, so good for her, I guess.
P.S. Just as I was finishing this, "They Say It's Wonderful" by John Coltrane and Johnny Hartman came on. Oh man, it's like every time I hear it I'm amazed all over again.