I have been enamored with exactly three things this week:
1) Jack Donaghy. No matter how much I'm not into guys like him in RL, there is something incredible attractive about his character's tender underbelly and the cut of his suits. I'm glad to be finally caught up with season 4 of 30 Rock, because now I can read the fanfic.
Which, BTW, am I really the only perv who is into 30 rock male slash? No one else wants to read Jack/Kennith or Jack/Jonathan? Really internet? Because damn if I count find any. Don't fail me
Rule 34!!!!
2) The Star Trek reboot. I KNOW I'M BEHIND WITH THIS. God, what a bad nerd I am. But I finally saw it a few days ago and besides the crazy lens flares ever thee seconds and science!fail!, I really enjoyed it. Alternative universe as cannon? Count me in!
In what should be no surprise, I am obsessed with Spock/Uhura (and Spock/Kirk/Uhura) and I have a whole year of fic to dig into. Woot!
3) Finally saw Inception (I know, I need to get out more) and OMFGWTFPOLARBEAR!
I just have to admit, I didn't expect to have that feeling of oh my god like I did when I saw the Matix in theaters, you know, at the part when Trinity first kicks that guy and they do the bullet time 360 pan around her? That's what I felt when the gravity is gone in the second layer and Arthur is swimming around without gravity and still kicking ass. I swooned and possibly gasped.
I understand now why everyone freaked out about this, it's just that good. The pacing, oh dear god the pacing was on point, which is a total surprised because I have to rewatch the Dark Knight starting 45 minutes in because that first half an hour is like pulling teeth. I'm glad Inception is a tighter story because 2 1/2 hours is nothing to sneeze at, and It didn't even feel that long. I was impressed.
OMG Arthur had the hottest wardrobe, All of the costumes were on point, but Arthur's had me drooling at some points. Damn what a good suit does for a person. That there is nothing I love more then movies that look ultra-slick. The sets? It was like architecture porn, clean lines and geometric shapes, and IMPOSSIBLE STAIRCASES! AHHHHNERDGASEM.
I'm still a little confused about why so much of the fanfic activity is concentrated in kink memes, but i'm glad the fandom is sizable, because god knows there was no character development for anyone besides Cobb in the film.
Also: I am still waiting to find the Inception/Leverage crossover because it works so seamlessly and I already have idea for a dollhouse crossover (please don't even tell me Adelle wound't be a perfect extractor, with Dominic as her point man? Y/Y?)
And before you asked, I am that geek who went home and promptly found a totem, JUST IN CASE.