Title: Salt and Water
Rating: PG-13
Fandom: True Blood
Character: Jessica
Spoilers: Vague ones for the first few episodes of Season 3.
Summary: The wanting to kill folks wasn’t Jessica’s worst urge.
AN: Written for the drabble com
trueblood100 for the prompt instinct.
She lied: the urge to bite and drink and weave folks minds full of her desires wasn’t the worst instinct she fought with. Sometimes, it was the one to pray and apologize and run home to her Mama; that Jessica, devout and innocent, didn’t rise out of shallow grave, she stayed. Sometimes, the vampire tells herself that her life now is better, richer for her change.
Sometimes, when the vampire Jessica was laid flush against the ground underneath her maker’s home, a dead and rotting man nearby, she can hear that once-livin girl weep tears of salt and water.