Title: Made Glorious Summer
duh_i_read Rated: R for suggested violence
Characters: The Master
Word Count: 100
Spoilers:The Wish
Summery: After the Harvest, there is so much for the Master to reap.
AN: A Wishverse tale. Written for
open_on_sunday for the prompt "lost time". Title taken from one of
those famous Shakespeare quotes, with reference to
another quote in the story. In my defense, the Master and Shakespeare is totally cannon.
It mattered not he failed to open the Hellmouth; his decades long winter was over, he was free. His family heralded his return accordingly, celebrating like in his salad days, young frightened virgins abundant as wine.
Resting in the center of a resplendent canopy bed, Darla pressed to one side and the delightful redhead's cooling body on the other, the novelty of bloodlust had yet to wane. Tomorrow, there were many arrangements to plan: an alliance with Wilkins, a new nest.
Tonight? Darla’s nude form beckoned him. Such time lost left a great deal for him to reap.