Aug 23, 2006 22:48
Life is going grand right now as summer is almost to a close. I have had a wonderful summer from beginning to end. My photography did very well at the fair last week. I got best of show with one of my pieces and a lot of them placed. I would like to thank all of you who went out and saw them, i think that is so sweet! Well kayla moved into college today, sometimes you have to go to college and thats ok. I love her so much and nothing will ever change that. I was sad at first but i realize that it isn't a bad thing and it isn't a good thing. It's just something different and after the first month it will become normal. It wasn't just kayla that was forced to go to college, it was all my friends. I'm pretty empty and lost but I am confident that i will make friends and i'm not that worried about it. L'il Abner audtions are the first week of school. That is so crazy. Like last year i have been working my butt off all summer, hopefuly this time it will pay off. Not saying i didn't get a good part just saying I was working for something else. Everything is lined up, i just hope it happens, if not i will be very very upset. I feel this is something i deserve and if someone comes in and deserves it more i will have no problem seeing them take the part. I'm excited to work with Damon again and i hope that has some affect on my audtion. Well thats about all. Feel free to comment because I feel like no one reads these anymore.
Seacrest Out!