Big Bang 2017: Wandering Lost (Master Post)

Jun 08, 2017 17:15

Title: Wandering Lost
Words: 36,000
Summary: Hired by an eccentric billionaire, Jensen is tasked with transporting a '55 Ford F-100 from California to New York. After the car breaks down, he's stuck in the middle of Nebraska and spends a week getting to know a whole mix of oddballs he'd never spend a minute with back in NYC. "Not all who wander are lost," but Jensen's a little of both as he warms up to the townspeople and the local handyman, who is equal parts peculiar and charming. And maybe he even finds himself along the way. Written for 2017 spn_j2_bigbang.

Notes: First off, to wendy for continuing to run this monster challenge all on her own. I can't imagine the patience and fortitude it takes to wrangle everyone together, or the care to continue loving and encouraging all the fabulous people in this fandom and keep up a beautiful tradition.

To my artist thruterryseyes: Thank you so much for all of your hard work!! So many pieces make me feel so much joy, for the moments you selected, the lines of dialogue you added, or the particular pictures to illustrate my story. Thank you so much for picking me! And for putting up with all of my lateness throughout the last month. You're very kind and patient :)

To one of my favorite people in the entire universe, kelleigh. There aren't enough thank yous in the world for the time you committed to helping me whip this into shape. And also thank you SO MUCH for your constructive criticism that made this story so much stronger than what I had originally pulled together. I value the input and support more than you will ever know. 110% stellar beta from top to bottom, and I continue to love you every day for being my friend and support <3333

Quick run by thanks to zubeneschamali, rozearkana, cherie_morte, deirdre_C, and quickreaver for cheering me on, brainstorming together, and being such lovely people as I raced in fits and starts to write this story. I LOVE EVERYONE IN THIS BAR.

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wandering lost, big bang 17!, fic, j2

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