Previous He picks Jared up at his apartment near campus and the guy is looking casual and cool in dark dress pants, button-up shirt, and a sweater over it. When he gets into the car, he rushes a hand through his hair, pushing some back and Jensen can tell he tried to style it a little more formally. He also looks a little nervous, which somehow makes Jensen feel a little less anxious himself.
“Hey,” Jensen says a little short. Trying to not show how impressed (and excited) he really is with the guy presenting himself so well and actually following through with dinner.
Jared looks down at himself and back up to Jensen, who’s wearing a starched button-up neatly tucked into slacks. His sports coat and tie are hanging on the laundry hook behind him. “This okay? I didn’t have a suit or anything.”
“What about what you wear to work?” Jensen frowns because the words ran out of his mouth before he could stop them.
He eyes him. “You want me to go to your dinner party dressed like the security guard?”
Jensen turns back to the steering wheel and pulls out of the parking space so he doesn’t have to answer.
Jared’s voice is humorous. “We could back and I could change if it’s really that important. I might have a Santa suit, too.”
Jensen tries to not smile because he’s mostly embarrassed. “Don’t worry. You look great.” Then he coughs. “You look fine. Don’t worry.”
They talk their way through the 30-minute drive, Jensen mostly asking Jared about himself - he figures it’s the least he can do. The guy wastes his Saturday night with Jensen and work people, and always listens to Jensen talk about where he’s off to or coming from at the security desk? Jensen can ask about his life and school. To which he finds out that Jared’s technically a junior at MIT, but it has taken him about five years to get there because of work. He’s spent more time on the clock than in the classroom and pulls way too many all-nighters to get work done, but he’s doing well and balancing nicely, carrying a middle-A GPA. Jensen comments on not sleeping enough to work and get schoolwork done, but Jared just laughs and points out all the long hours he puts in at the office.
He also finds out that Jared had changed his major twice before, going between chemistry and architecture before finally figuring on engineering - “it’s the crux of everything, really. You can’t have a building without all the internal parts and systems.” All of it impresses Jensen. The guy isn’t really a kid; he’s 28, and working himself through school for a respectable education at a highly reputable school. And he seems to take it all very seriously. It makes Jensen realize it just might be okay to crush on the security guard-slash-college student.
Miller’s a little surprised at the door when he sees Jared standing alongside Jensen. He pauses but then brushes it all off with a quick smile. “My favorite pro,” he exclaims and pulls Jared in before even saying hi to Jensen. They walk in front of him, Miller’s arm over Jared’s shoulders and they’re talking before the door closes behind him.
It goes on like this for most of the dinner. Miller relives their tennis match with his neighbors laughing. And it’s like they’re back on the court as the guests volley attention between Miller and Jared filling in each side of their story. It’s utterly amazing and Jensen can’t stop smiling behind his wineglass. Martha leans over from the head of the table and pats Jensen’s hand. “He’s adorable.”
He carefully eyes her back, not sure if she’s simply commenting on her own attraction to Jared - all the women are smiling a little too strongly for having just met the guy - or Jensen’s. He keeps it bottled up. “Yeah, he’s a good guy.”
“How do you two know each other?”
Jensen’s next swallow of wine is hard and kind of hurts in his throat. Once the liquid is settled, he offers as casually as possible. “Through work.”
“Oh, I’ve never heard Randy talk about him before.”
He flips into his business mode, finding the best possible lie. “No, I mean, through the building really. He doesn’t work in our office.”
Martha nods, buying it. “So, Jared?” she calls out to interrupt the tennis stories. “What do you do with yourself when you’re not running my husband ragged on the courts?”
Jared swallows down the food he was chewing and glances at Jensen carefully. “I’m actually going back to school right now.”
“Oh, for what?”
Jensen doesn’t ignore how everyone is watching, still enthralled with Jared. “Engineering, ma’am.
“Jared’s at MIT,” Jensen rushes out, like it’s the most exciting thing about him. He knows it’s not. His dimples and eyes are pretty much tied for that spot.
Jared laughs (okay, his laugh is pretty high up there, too). “Yes, I go to MIT. Mechanical engineering.”
“MIT?” she asks, sounding impressed.
“Well, that’s,” Martha starts, then smiles. “Not quite the place for dummies.”
He laughs again. “No, ma’am. It’s not.”
“Not quite Harvard, though,” Miller smirks.
Jared replies plainly, “That’s a bad thing?”
The table laughs and Jensen smiles, and he just can’t stop looking at Jared. Or even believe how awesomely it’s all going.
After the after-dinner drinks, the neighbors start shuffling out and Jensen’s doing his best to not be the first to leave but not the last either because he doesn’t want to impose. He puts his hand on Jared’s shoulder for attention. “I know you’re dying.”
Jared chuckles. “Nah, it’s cool, man. Don’t worry.”
“I’m sorry you were the focus for all of dinner.”
“Not a big deal. I possibly kind of liked it.”
He sees Jared’s easy smile settle and his eyes are warm. Jensen’s hand softens on his shoulder and he nods. “Seriously, man, thank you so much.”
Jared looks around the room and leans a little closer. “I’m having a good time. You’re going to make me feel bad if you keep doing this.”
Jensen puts his hands up with a smile. “Alright. Sorry.”
“You apologize once more and I’m going to punch you in the throat.”
They share a small laugh before Miller calls them into his lounge. Jensen realizes they’re the only ones in there, everyone else left while he and Jared were talking. Miller leans at the edge of his desk and motions for Jared and Jensen to sit in the leather armchairs. “Jen, you’ve been playing well at work lately. Surecell getting closer, right?”
“Yes, sir. Next week’s the big day.”
“You need me in there?”
He can see the way Miller’s eyeing him and he’s not sure that the right answer is ‘no, I can handle this,’ because it could come across as too cocky, like he doesn’t know any better and wants to just run around without supervision. His hands swipe up and down his knees. “I, uh, I’d like to see how far I can take this on my own. If you don’t mind.”
Miller nods silently.
“Of course you’re in the loop. I just think that Taylor and Bob are comfortable for the moment with me in the room. As soon as we get to the next level, we can sweep in with the big guns.”
Miller’s lips crack a smile, then a quick laugh. “Son, you’re just too good.”
Jared’s smiling with bright eyes through the whole thing and Jensen’s stomach warms. It’s an amazing feeling.
“You know Steph’s office is open?”
Jensen’s pulse picks up because that is the corner office. His corner office. It’s waiting for him. “Yes, sir.”
“We bring Surecell in, we’re going to need to dedicate someone there. Someone who can’t be bothered with too many other accounts.” Jensen nods, keeping quiet to let his boss continue. Just so he doesn’t screw anything up. “You’ve got, what? AT&T and SKYY Vodka, right?”
He can feel Jared watching and it makes him a little nervous. But then he calms a bit at the idea that he’s sitting right beside him through this whole thing. “Yes, sir. AT&T’s latest campaign is wrapped. I think we’d start back up early next year.”
“Hmm,” he nods and leans back against his desk. Palms on the surface. “How’s SKYY going?”
“We’re doing well. Kristen and Tom have taken the lead on a few meetings and really impressed the guys over there with their graphics and layouts.”
“Good, good. It isn’t too much is it?”
“No, sir. It’s been good.”
“You working too many hours?”
He feels Jared’s careful stare. “Enough to get the job done.”
Miller nods and smirks. “Yeah. I hear you’re cutting in and out at all hours of the night. I don’t want you burning out or anything.”
“No, sir. I get a few hours of sleep on Sundays.”
His boss laughs, which allows him to smile easily, like he really means it. Not the business-tight smile. He glances at Jared and sees him smirk back. It just feels all too easy right there and Jensen is swimming in it.
“Steph’s office? You think it’s too big?”
“Not big enough,” Jensen smirks, which makes Miller laugh all over again.
The ride back is a little quiet. Jensen is busting at the seams with energy from that conversation in the lounge. But Jared was there; he doesn’t have to recount any of it. And in a way, he doesn’t want to ruin anything from that evening, because it was all perfect and everyone loved Jared, and Miller loved Jensen and it was just. Exactly what he needed right there.
When he pulls up to Jared’s apartment, it’s a little stilted. Jared only throws a few glances Jensen’s way and murmurs his thanks for the dinner. He slowly turns towards Jensen. “It’s kind of nice to get a real meal and talk to real people, ya know?”
Jensen chuckles. “Hey, this was business for me, so I don’t really know.”
“You don’t get those kinds of conversations around here. So it was cool. Thank you so much.”
“No. Thank you,” Jensen nods. He so means it.
Jared stares at him for a few seconds and Jensen feels like this is the awkward moment on a first date where you have to decide if you’re going to kiss and how. Jensen would skate his hand up to Jared’s face and reel him in slowly, gently. And his lips would brush just enough. Then dip back in again to show he really liked him.
But this isn’t a date. So Jensen steels himself and nods. “I’ll see ya on Monday.”
Jared is still staring and finally nods. “Yeah.” He nods again and gets out of the car. “Have a good night.”
Jensen waves back. “You, too. Thanks again!”
Monday morning, he’s more than ecstatic to get into the office. Or the lobby, really. He feels good from Saturday’s dinner. From Jared’s presence there and them being back to fun and jokey and smiling. From being able to rest a bit on Sunday and lazily get through some files. It was the perfect weekend and now he’s back to the job and seeing Jared daily and he just can’t wait to smile at the security desk.
But he can’t because that guy looks younger than Jared. He’s shorter than Jared. He doesn’t smile like Jared.
Jensen frowns and puts his coffee cup down on the counter to get his wallet. “Who’re you?”
The kid looks startled, and Jensen realizes his question was a little sharp, but he just wants the answer. “I’m sorry?”
“Jared. Big, tall guy. Always smiling. Where’s he at?”
“Oh, he’s gone? I got called in last night to cover.”
“Gone? Like gone, gone?”
“Yeah. He quit, yesterday.”
“What? Why?” Jensen knows he’s asking away too many questions and seeming to care way too much about the security guard. But he doesn’t really care.
“I don’t know, man,” the kid smarts back a little. “He was here all smiles on Saturday then came in yesterday grouchy and quit. Maybe he had a rough Saturday night. Who knows?”
Jensen frowns and his heart dumps into his stomach. He knows.
Tuesday, he’s still a little grumpy, and it isn’t even the lack of coffee. He’s threatened to fire Elizabeth again then Danneel if she didn’t somehow find him something to drink that was hot and caffeinated. She threatened to spike it with Xanax and other muscle relaxants. He didn’t mind that idea too much. But truth be told, it’s not even the coffee. It’s just one of many things to set him off in the last two days.
He’s been barking at Tom and Kristen over the colors in their layouts not coming out as bright in print as on the screen. Not to mention typos on the proofs (like “Have you hard? Surecell’s got the juice.” instead of “Have you heard?”). He knows it happens sometimes, but it can’t anymore. They have to adjust and watch their fingers on the keyboard. The meeting’s on Friday and it has to go without a single hitch or snag in anything.
Danneel enters to drop off a file he requested. She doesn’t say anything because he’s been grouchy for the past two days and doesn’t seem to be coming out of it anytime soon. He doesn’t even thank her, and she just sighs at the door. “Jensen. Just go get yourself some coffee.”
He doesn’t look up, and his voice doesn’t portray anything fun. “I pay you to get my coffee.”
“When you’re in that corner office? I will get you coffee from Columbia. I will fly with it in first class. Until then, just go to Starbucks and relieve us all of your bitchiness.”
He doesn’t reply, just keeps working.
“Jen, you are bitching at everyone. Go. Get. Coffee.”
“Can you at least take a walk downstairs and smell the beans?”
“It’s not the coffee, damnit!” Jensen yells back at her with anger evident on his face.
“Then what? You stressed out? Like we all aren’t? You were crazy cool all last week and now you’re eating the heads of babies.”
“Oh, shut up,” he grumbles, going back to his work.
Danneel huffs back at him. “I think it’s the coffee and you’re just being a big baby about it.”
Jensen flies back in his chair. “It’s not! I swear to God. It’s not. He just - ” And then he stops and sighs. He folds his hands behind his head and looks at her, not wanting to say more.
His tongue pushes around his mouth and he drops his hands. “He quit.”
Jensen pushes himself to lean farther back in his chair. “Jared. He fucking quit.”
“What? Why?”
He shrugs. “Because of the dinner? Because I tried to kiss him? Because I work here? You name it.”
“You kissed him?” she nearly shrieks.
“That night we did martinis and you made me make him take me back up here? In the elevator. He didn’t like it.”
Danneel moves closer to the desk, leaning on the side and grabbing his hand. “Oh, Jen. Seriously?”
“You are so hopeless.”
“You’re not helping,” he grumbles without looking at her.
“You fell in love with the security guard.”
Jensen warns her, “Dani.”
“Seriously? Are you gone for him?”
He shakes his head and leans back further in the chair to look up at the ceiling. “Way far gone.”
The next day, he’s not so much the asshole he was on Tuesday. But he’s not really doing any better. He’s extremely withdrawn and short with everyone. Simply answering questions and moving onto the next topic. It’s almost worse than him barking orders, because at least he was getting stuff done. Wednesday? He’s pretty much just sitting in his office and reading over everything they’ve already double-checked.
Around one, Danneel insists he go home and log in from there. That being in PJs, relaxing on his couch, and having his own coffee will make everything seem a little easier. That she’ll cover for him and contact him the minute anything pressing comes up.
When he gets home, he realizes he’d never even stopped wallowing to eat lunch and that with all the crazy hours at work and takeout meals of the last month, he has nothing good in his fridge. He calls Danneel, tells her he’s only available via cell for the next hour, and cuts it over to Whole Foods.
He’s in the coffee aisle, picking up his choice flavors for the office - make sure he’s never out of his coffee - when he hears his name.
It’s Jared. All lean in a fitted graphic tee and tattered jeans over running shoes. And Jensen couldn’t feel more hopeless right then because he’s beautiful and smiling. And maybe a little awkward, but it’s Jared, so he doesn’t really care if he’s weird right there.
“Hey, how’s it going?” Jared asks carefully.
Jensen squints a little, trying to decide what to say. There are so many words in his mouth but none will come out.
Jared seems to take in Jensen’s casual outfit of a baseball tee and track pants. He gives an odd glance. “You okay?”
He finally motions to the bags of beans in his hands. “Just getting some coffee.”
Jared checks his watch and looks a little worried. “You’re a little casual for a mid-day coffee run?”
He’s embarrassed by his appearance. Even if it fits with Jared’s - he’s just used to being all charged up in a suit and tie in front of him. Always looking his best. “Nah, I, uh. Took a few hours. Dani says I’m insufferable.”
Jared’s lips pick up a little, like he wants to smile but feels like it’s rude to laugh.
“You quit,” Jensen says lamely, because it’s the only thing that works its way out his lips.
He rubs a hand at the back of his neck. “Yeah. I wasn’t gonna be a security guard my entire life.”
“But it was helping with school?”
“I can find another job. It’s fine.”
“You sure?”
Jared waves a hand at him. “You don’t have to worry about it.”
“I mean … you didn’t quit because of Saturday, did you?”
They’re both shocked with the question; Jensen can’t believe he actually asked it. “No,” Jared responds strangely.
Jensen just nods, still unsure what to say. He sees Jared eyeing his basket. There are a few odds and ends of semi-nutritious snacks like Pirate’s Booty, pretzels, and herb crackers, mixed in with the coffee and a few bags of Twizzlers. Nothing really of substance. This, too, is embarrassing. “Would you believe I have no real food in my apartment?”
“Would you believe you have no real food in your basket?”
Jensen laughs. “Yeah. I haven’t had a real meal at home in months. I kinda forgot what to eat.”
Jared’s hand rests at his stomach and he smiles. “I was actually just grabbing some things and then getting lunch.”
“Yeah, no,” Jensen waves back at him. “You go on.”
Jared chucks a thumb behind him. “You wanna grab something with me?”
He swallows because oh, yes, he absolutely does. But in the last few days of his little hell, he’s realized that he is pretty much in love with Jared and it will do him no good to hang out with him. If his depression of not seeing the guy was any indication, this could go very poorly. But he just nods his head and they go.
Within minutes, Jensen’s relaxed by Jared’s effortless nature and his laughter. They joke about the dinner from Saturday and everyone loving the stories about their tennis match. Jensen talks about how his proposal’s going for Surecell, and how he’s been so grumpy that Danneel locked him in his office a few times to calm down. It’s all so easy that Jensen nearly forgets that this is the security guard from his office or how he was devastated to learn he’d quit. It almost feels like none of that is real.
Until they’re walking out of the restaurant and stalled at the sidewalk. When Jensen accidentally makes it awkward and puts his hand out to shake. “Well, take care, man. I’ll miss seeing ya in the mornings, but you’ve got good things ahead, right?”
Jared just eyes him and almost seems to frown. “Yeah. Thanks. Good luck on your project. I’m sure you’ve got it in the bag.”
“Man, I sure hope so.”
“Corner office, right?”
“Corner office,” Jensen smiles. They’re still shaking hands. Jensen can’t stop.
But Jared finally does and smiles gently. “I’m sure I’ll catch you around.”
Jensen knows he doesn’t really mean it, even if it sounds like it. It’s just him being nice. “Yeah, cool.” And no one’s moving from their spots, so Jensen decides he has to leave before it gets any more awkward. He takes one step away and to the curb. “Alright, thanks.” Jared just nods before he turns away. And Jensen isn’t sure if he actually feels any better about any of it.
The next morning, he’s a little nicer to everyone. Mostly because it’s just 24 hours before the meeting and he has a lot to get done. And he can’t do it while moping about Jared. Seeing him the day before made him realize that Jared likely didn’t quit because of the dinner or because of Jensen himself. So he doesn’t feel so awful anymore. But it’s still kind of tough because he saw Jared. And it made him want the guy all over again.
He has Kristen and Tom in his office to go over the last print of presentation boards. They’re commenting on the colors and the font sizes and thickness of every line. Danneel enters the office with a careful smile. “Jensen?”
He’s poinings to a shadow behind someone’s feet on the board. “Can we bring that in a little? It feels too dark and long.”
His hands press into his hips as he stares at the boards. Doesn’t look at her because he’s that focused. “Dani, we’re busy.”
“Kristen, Tom, I’m sorry. Jensen, Mr. Padalecki is here.”
Jensen stares at the board for a few seconds before he turns towards her with a flat face. As if he can’t even realize what she’s saying.
“I think he’d like five minutes?”
His heart starts thumping against his ribcage and he can’t manage a real answer.
“Jen?” she asks carefully.
“Guys, can I have the room?” Kristen and Tom leave and Jensen looks at his assistant. “What’s he want?” he asks quietly.
“To borrow your car?”
Danneel sighs. “I don’t know, Jensen. Do you want to see him or not?”
His brain is giving an enthusiastic yes. Instead he mutters, “Fine, let him in.”
Jensen’s leaning back on the edge the desk and crosses his arms and legs as Jared appears in the doorway. “Hey,” he says, a little sheepish as he steps just inside.
“Hey, Jared.” The words come so easily, but he can tell his voice is a little sharp. “What can I do for you?” Seconds later, Danneel closes the door and he thanks and curses her in one thought. He’s not sure he really wants to be locked up with Jared right now.
Jared wanders closer to Jensen, hands tucked into his jeans’ pockets. Jensen’s trying not to stare at how good the pale blue v-neck shirt looks on him. The fabric clinging to his shoulders, his chest. The dip in the collar letting Jensen see the muscles in his throat work as he’s swallowing nervously. “I feel bad about yesterday.”
Jensen plants his hands on the desk and scoots himself around a little bit; he’s nervous and doesn’t know what else to do with the energy. “What about yesterday?”
“I don’t want you to think you made me quit.”
He nervously laughs. “No, no. I’m not that full of myself.”
“I mean, it wasn’t because Saturday night was bad or anything. Or whatever. I just - ”
Jensen puts his hands up. “Look, you don’t have to explain. You quit, whatever. It’s fine. You don’t have to answer to me on it.”
“I feel like I kinda do.”
“No, really. ”
Jared works his mouth a few times. “I mean, I did quit because of you. But really, I just - ”
“Jared? Seriously. It’s fine.”
“No. Just let me … You didn’t scare me with all that shit. I like you and all …”
“That’s cool I get it.” Jensen waves his hands again. “You don’t have to say anything more. Seriously it’s fine.”
“Jensen,” Jared manages quietly as he steps closer. “Just shut up and let me explain?”
“You don’t have to explain any - ”
And right there Jared is in his space with a hand wrapped around his tie. His mouth comes down on Jensen’s and stays there. Not moving, but testing, waiting for Jensen to respond.
And he doesn’t. Instead, he says against Jared’s mouth, “I thought you weren’t like that.”
Jared smiles as he pulls back. “Did I ever say I wasn’t?”
Parts of Jensen are tingling, like his lips and his fingers. They want so badly to touch Jared. But he’s pretty terrified right there. “When I tried it, you froze.”
“I’m pretty sure hitting on the tenants is forbidden.”
Jensen smiles just a millimeter, but Jared sees it and goes back down for a kiss. This one has two active participants with their mouths opening before Jared sucks on Jensen’s bottom lip. “Funny, I thought hooking up with the security guard was a bad idea.”
Jared smiles into the kiss. “Good thing I don’t work here anymore.”
And that just does it - because this means Jensen is crushing on gorgeous, sexy, charming, tennis-playing, engineering-studying Jared. Not the security guard. His hands go to Jared’s face, his fingers dipping into the hair and directing his head in the kiss as he deepens it. Their tongues flip around each other carefully, teasing and tempting and most of all testing how it all feels. Jensen’s pretty sure he could do this all day. But, he pulls back to catch his breath and his wandering mind because it’s going places it so doesn’t need be to while he’s still at work. He realizes Jared’s long fingers are curling around his hips. He likes it. “So when you said you liked me, you liked me.”
Jared chuckles. “Yes, very much.”
“And you quit?”
“I kinda thought something would’ve happened Saturday but …” Jensen nods at that. “When it didn’t, I figured you didn’t really like me after really getting to know me or something. With that, I didn’t think I could handle seeing you every day.”
Jensen groans a little but smiles. “You kidding me? Getting to know you has made it even worse.”
Jared smirks and leans back in for a kiss. But they’re interrupted by the buzz of his intercom and Danneel loudly whispering, “Miller’s coming.”
Jensen pushes Jared away and quickly fixes his tie. He stands tall when Miller lets himself in. All three men are smiling. “Jared!” he exclaims and reaches to shake his hand. “Good to see you, son.”
“Yeah, you, too.”
“You kick any more old man ass lately?”
He laughs easily. “No, not lately. I’m waiting for our rematch.”
Miller points at him with a smile. “You got it, kid.” Then he turns to Jensen. “Jen, you got the army ready for tomorrow?”
He smiles. A little because he’s feeling good about tomorrow, but a lot because he’s feeling great about Jared. “Front line’s all set.”
“Good, good.” He turns to Jared. “You mind giving us a minute?”
“Oh, no, of course,” he waves at them. “I have to get going anyway. Good luck tomorrow.” And his smile is especially large for Jensen.
Jensen nods his thanks and watches him leave the room before he realizes that Jared and he just kissed and now the guy is leaving. “Sir, just a second?” He hurries out his office. “Jared!”
He turns back with a curious look. “Yeah, what’s up?”
Jensen looks at his assistant and whispers, “Dani, can you get his number?”
She smirks tightly. “Do I get to keep it?”
Danneel waves her left hand. “There’s no ring here.”
“Dani,” he barks a little loudly.
“Alright! Fine.”
He turns back to his office but hears her whisper his name so he looks back at her. She’s shooting him an enthusiastic thumbs up and awink. Jensen smiles big and wide.
That night, Jensen leaves Jared an awkward “Hey, it’s Jensen. Gimme a call sometime. Maybe we’ll grab those beers I owe you, or something else, whatever you might have in mind,” kind of ramble and curses himself for it. He’s pretty jittery for the 12 hours leading up to his meeting with Surecell and may or may not be habitually checking his phone for any reply from Jared. It doesn’t come.
Before his meeting with the Murphys, as he sits in their front lobby and rings a finger around his collar to ease up the heat he’s feeling, he tries his lame, but faithful psych-ups. “I am awesome. I am smart. I am young. They love me. I love this job. I am awesome. I am smart. I am funny. I am likeable. Jared likes me.” Then he stops and kind of smiles because it slipped in there and he likes it, but then he frowns a little because he still hasn’t heard from Jared. He scowls and tells himself to stop being such a pussy. It hasn’t even been one full day since he called the guy. Give it a break.
He pushes it all out of his mind. And it mostly works. At least enough that he doesn’t flub too much of his presentation. But so little that he’s smiling through the whole thing.
Jensen’s back in the office that afternoon and it’s just past four. He’s scrambling between Danneel’s desk and his office as they pass files back and forth. It doesn’t matter what happened that morning, he still has SKYY Vodka on the table and he needs to focus through that for the time being.
“Dani, can you get this out to graphics and have ‘em change the copy. It needs to say,” and he sighs a little. He knows he’s anxious, but they have to get this out before five and he’s waiting for her to get a pad of paper to take the wording down. “’Life this sweet? Sign me up.’”
“Jensen,” she tries nicely, knowing he’s riled up at the moment. “It says that.”
He chuckles a little darkly and points down to the proof. “No, it really doesn’t.”
“Oh! Yeah. I guess life doesn’t sweat so much, huh?”
“Not when it’s grape vodka no.”
His voice goes a little hard again. “Tell Tom he needs to check his fingers. They keep flubbing up everything.” His voice gets louder as he moves back to his office. “‘Sign me up!’”
“Yeah, I got it,” she calls back.
Jensen yells from his desk. “It’s not ‘Sing me up’”
“There a difference?” Danneel asks with humor in her voice.
“Alright, yeah.” Then she’s at his door. “Hey, in ten minutes they’re all coming down for the news.”
He sighs. “They can wait until five. I can’t deal with this right now.”
It goes on like that for the next hour. She’s doing her best to be cheerful and fun to his clouded mood. Graphic designers and copy editors and everyone’s assistants start filling the space around Danneel’s desk and she finally gets him on the intercom. “Jensen, there is a herd of people crowding my desk.”
“Gimme five more minutes. Where’s Miller?”
“Not here, yet. He said to call when you’re ready.”
“Five minutes.”
“They’re grazing,” she loudly whispers.
“Give ‘em something to eat.”
“You said no food. That they’d stick around too long afterwards.”
Jensen sighs and comes out of the office to see the crowd. He tries to smile, but he’s still a little stressed and tired and annoyed. He knows it’ll settle eventually, but he doesn’t like the idea that everyone is just milling around and talking and bothering him and Danneel. “Hey, guys! Seriously. Can you go to the lunch room until we’re ready?”
“What do you gotta be ready for? Yes or no?” Tom asks, more than a little annoyed. Jensen has been riding him pretty hard these last two weeks. He’s just as interested to know if they got it than anyone else.
Jensen raises his hands to silence all the agreeing murmurs. “Guys, come on. Step away from my office.” When they’re still not far enough away, he adds, “Two more steps, please.” As everyone moves away, Jensen sees Jared coming down the hallway. He’s watching all the people and then sees Jensen and has the strangest little smile. Jensen smiles at his plaid-button up and sneakers peeking out from the ends of his jeans. He realizes he really likes seeing Jared casual and in his space. Really likes it. “Hey, come here,” he waves Jared over.
Danneel makes a little ‘ohh’ noise of interest and Jensen shushes her. “What’s up, man? I can come back later.”
Jensen presses his hand into the middle of Jared’s back and steers him away. “No, it’s fine. This way.”
Jared takes the first steps into an empty office and looks out the windows before turning back to Jensen. “Everything cool?”
Jensen smiles, “Yeah, everything’s good.” Because he feels good when Jared’s there and looking at him and smiling. But the guy still makes him nervous.
“Hey, so my roommate’s kind of a jerk and he erased your message.”
Jensen chuckles and closes the door. “Really?”
“Yeah, major asshole.”
“I mean, really? He erased it?”
“I thought major asshole kind of confirmed that.” And they’re both still smiling. “He at least cared the very least to say ‘Jensen called and whatever.’ So I wanted to come by because I didn’t have your number.”
“Yeah, I left it on the message.” Jared gives a hopeless little look and Jensen smiles. “Dude, I’m kidding. Of course.”
“Awesome.” Jared looks back around the office but doesn’t look at Jensen when he talks. “Hey, as long as I’m here … you wanna get food tonight?”
Jensen’s hands go into his pockets and he takes a few steps towards him. “Food?”
“Yeah, alright, I kinda suck at this whole thing. Which is evident by my not kissing you back or in quitting just because I liked you. But you know, maybe we can get dinner? You got plans, though, right?”
Jensen shrugs. “Yeah.”
“Yeah you got plans, or yeah you want to get dinner?”
Jensen’s fingers inch between Jared’s as he chuckles. It’s kind of comforting to see Jared nervous here, too. “Yeah, I want get food with you.”
Jared’s fingers flex against his and he looks at him with a smile. “Cool.” He glances back at the closed door for a second. “What’s with all the people outside your office?”
Jensen looks back out the windows, taking in the view of downtown Boston. He squeezes at Jared’s hand. “Corner office.”
He sees Jared look around, like he’s computing the fact that there are two full walls of windows. He releases Jensen’s hand and takes a step closer to the glass. “Corner office?” Jensen just nods. Jared’s arms open a bit, as if he doesn’t quite understand. “Corner office? Your corner office?”
“Shit, yeah,” he nearly whispers because he can finally, really enjoy the idea.
Jared rushes in and envelops him whole. A crushing hug that feels just like any Chris or Steve give him when he has good news to share. But then he feels Jared’s hands press a little tighter into his back and it’s so different. And good. “Dude,” Jared exclaims, a little too loud for being so close to Jensen’s ear.
“Yeah, I know, right?”
Jared pulls back just so and smiles softly before kissing him. There are low murmurs that Jensen can’t make out, but he likes them. Because he’s kissing Jared and it’s awesome. He pulls back again. “Dude.”
Jensen laughs. “I know.”
With a knock at the door, Jensen eases back and Danneel slowly pops her head in. “Jen?” Then she beams at the other guy. “Hey, Jared.”
Jared swipes his palms easily over Jensen’s shoulders before releasing him. “Hey there.”
“Nice to see you,” she nearly sing-songs.
He laughs, “Yeah, you, too.”
“Jen, I’m sorry. Miller’s been calling for you.”
“Alright.” He looks at Jared and smirks. “Hang around, yeah?”
“Sure.” Jared swipes a playful hand at Jensen’s hair, mucking it up a bit. And Jensen just swipes a hand back at his chest, beaming so large and full.
Danneel follows him down the hallway. “So, the security guard, huh?”
Jensen straightens his tie and buttons his jacket closed. “He’s an engineering student.”
“Yeah, okay,” she laughs. As they draw closer, she stops him. “Here,” she mutters while swiping a thumb at his lips and chin.
“What’re you doing?”
“You’re drooling.”
He catches her smirk and pushes her away. “Screw you.” But then he smiles and pulls her against him. “Let’s go. I’ve got some people to brag to.”
Everyone goes crazy of course. Well, except a few junior partners that feel their jealousy boil over the fact that Jensen is suddenly imposing on their ability to hold Miller’s attention. Because the guy has his arm around Jensen’s shoulder through the whole announcement and while someone passes a bottle of champagne around. Jensen’s not even sure where it came from or when it will ever get to him. But he’s feeling pretty good because he’s got Surecell and the Murphys’ full trust. He has Miller wrapped around his finger and inviting him to another dinner the next night. And he finally has the fucking corner office and he just can’t get over that … except for the image of Jared waiting for him in that space.
He hopes it hasn’t been too long when he finds Jared again, who’s just leaning against the empty desk in the center of the room. Staring out across the buildings before him like it’s the best moment of the day. But then he smiles at Jensen and that seems like the best moment of the day. “I heard cheering.”
“Yeah.” Jensen is sheepish as he moves closer.
“And clapping.”
“Yeah,” he chuckles a little.
“And maybe a few guys throwing up? People gotta be scared of you now. You got the corner office and dinner parties with the Millers.”
“There are a few other corner offices.”
He shrugs with a smirk. “Can’t be more than four.”
Jensen chuckles, realizing it’s true and kind of loving that Jared knows that.
“So, we’re celebrating tonight, huh?”
“Yeah, about that.” He can see Jared’s smile fall, so he sits right beside him at the desk. Their pinky fingers touch briefly before Jensen rests his over Jared’s. “Instead of tonight, what about tomorrow? Miller invited me over again and you’re like my ace in the hole.”
“Instead of tonight?”
“Yeah. I know it sucks because I’m begging you to help me for work again but - ”
“Why not both?”
Jensen just stares at Jared. “Both?”
And then Jared stares. “Unless, no, yeah. One day. That’s fine.”
“You really want to see me both days? Two in a row.”
Jared laughs and his hand fully covers Jensen’s at the desk. “Guy, I used to see you every day. And that didn’t seem like enough.”
“Yeah, but that was like two minutes of my grumpytime.”
Jensen sighs. “Dani has every mood named. She’s a girl, so don’t pick on me for being a bitch.”
Jared laughs. “Yeah, but you’re the pansy who repeats it.”
“You really want to do both?”
“Yeah, why not? I mean tomorrow’s for your work so I’m on the clock. Not exactly a date.”
“What if I put out?”
“Does that mean you won’t tonight?”
“Pansies don’t on the first date.”
Jared laughs and picks up their hands together, his other hand enclosing over them. “Dude. Not a big deal. Let’s get food and beer tonight and tomorrow we’ll be all country club and whatever.”
“Yeah. Yeah, I like that.”
Bar food and beers with Jared is like ten times better now that they’ve kissed and admitted to liking each other and are on an actual, certified date. Jensen hasn’t been on one in like 26 months (Danneel looked it up; she used to track his social calendar just to make sure he had one. It’s been ridiculously empty until now). But he’s pretty sure that it’s going well when they’re both laughing and talking nonstop. And Jared casually slings his arm behind Jensen’s chair when they turn to watch the Red Sox game. And Jensen picks up the bill. And Jared holds his hand when they leave.
At Jared’s door, Jensen feels like he’s in high school and fighting off sweaty palms and wondering how to kiss Jared. Just like he did that night of Miller’s first dinner. But then he remembers that they’ve already kissed a few times and if Jared didn’t like how he did it, he wouldn’t have asked him for dinner in the first place. Or agreed to another dinner with his boss tomorrow.
No one says any official goodnight or ‘had a good time’ thing, but Jared just leans forward with a hand slipping to Jensen’s side and reels him in with soft, gentle lips. Jensen’s breath hitches because it still startles him that he’s kissing Jared. He kind of hopes this feeling of fright goes away soon, but then he doesn’t really want it to ever get old.
With all the thinking, Jensen barely realizes that Jared’s tongue is in his mouth and his other hand is now holding Jensen’s face. And his thumb is caressing just so at his jawline. It feels nice, but at the same time, Jensen’s been thinking about making out with Jared for months and this is not exactly how he ever really pictured it. This isn’t what ever got him off.
Jensen’s hands push at Jared’s chest, forcing him against his front door. Then they pull on Jared’s neck to bring him close. Jensen’s trying to make a point, make it dirty, and make Jared gasp. Which he does, pressing his body against him, not as long and lean as Jared's, but good just the same. Their hips rub briefly and Jared winces in the right way, which makes Jensen push his tongue even further, as if he were trying to fuck Jared’s mouth.
Jared pulls away, all heavy breathing and his forehead against Jensen’s. “Shit, man. Warn a guy?”
Jensen just chuckles, low and muddy.
“Call me pansy. I dare you.”
“No fucking way.” Jared soldiers back in with his tongue pushing equally hard and his hands pulling Jensen’s hips even tighter to him.
“Dude,” Jensen breaks off as he stops the kiss. “I’m not doing this on your doorstep.”
“We can do this in my room.”
Jensen pulls back, his hands around Jared’s neck before they go a little further up so he can hold his jaw. This is Jared, the guy he’s been crushing on for like a dozen weeks and wanting to smile with and laugh and just share all the good news in his life. Which he’s done. And now they’re here and he can do all the other things he thought about late at night and in the shower. But, he still thinks about the awesome Jared he’s shared food and beers and laughs with and he kind of doesn’t want to lose that. He wonders how he became such a … shit, a pansy, about it all. He finally says, “I don’t wanna fuck you and leave.”
Jared’s hands go to Jensen's back, so gentle with the fingertips tickling his spine. “Then fuck me and stay.”
Jensen groans. “Shit, you know …”
After a deep breath, Jared leans back and swipes his palm over Jensen’s cheek and settles at his hair. “Yeah, I know. Me, too.”
He snorts, “Right. You just begged me to screw you.”
Jared smirks. “Well, deep down. Under there somewhere, yeah.”
“For the record, I think tomorrow’s a date. So you better wear your best clothes and lipstick.”
Jared bumps his forehead on Jensen’s. “You got it.”
“But not really. I mean, no makeup.”
“Dude, alright. No glitter.”
“Jared,” he starts uneasily.
He leans back against his door and his hands settle at Jensen’s hips. “What’s up?” He looks cool and calm.
Jensen doesn’t want to wreck that picture, but he takes a deep breath and continues on. “For the record, I’ve always been out to most everyone in my entire life.”
“Most everyone.”
Jensen can see the questions in Jared’s face. He takes a deep breath. “Not so much at work.”
Jared eyes him. He doesn’t look pissed, but more like he’s trying to work it out in his brain. “What about Danneel? She seems to have a clue.”
“Yeah, she knows. Shit, it was her idea to make you take me to the office that one night.”
He smirks a little at the mention before sobering up. “But? Like your boss?”
“Right. I mean, to me, I’m absolutely bringing you as my date and I will be the perfect gentleman through it all. But, it’s just better to not be obvoius. He’s a Boys’ Club kinda guy.”
“Yeah, I can see that.”
“I will go anywhere else with you and make out shamelessly. Look, I’m doing it at your door.”
Jared laughs at that, but he still looks a little bothered. “No, it’s cool. We’ll play it by ear.”
Except Jensen can’t even follow that because Jared is just all handsome and put together with a button-up tucked into charcoal pants and a tie - a tie Jensen smiles - that pulls it all together. He kind of wants to just make out with him in his car all night long, like he’s a teenager at the drive-in.
“Nice tie,” Jensen chuckles.
Jared absently swipes his hand over it. “Yeah, I got one after the last dinner. I felt like a slob.”
“No suit?”
“You know how hard it is to get a good fitting suit on this body?”
Jensen looks at Jared from the corner of his eye and smirks. He’s thinking of a lot of things with that body. He notices how perfectly the tie reaches Jared's belt buckle and wonders how he got it to cover the length of his chest. “Did you have to sew two ties together?”
Jared laughs and shows Jensen the tie, where the undertail is a little shorter than normal. “Nah, I just tied it higher.”
“You tied it yourself? Impressive.”
“I am an engineering student. I think I can work a tie.”
Jensen laughs and is all kinds of impressed right there. And maybe it’s a little hot to be talking about Jared’s tie tying abilities and how suits don’t fit his strong, broad shoulders. Jensen internally groans because it’s probably not a good thing to be turned on at the thought of Jared knowing math and angles and all that. It really has been too long since he’s had sex. So long.
Miller’s entirely too pleased to see Jared on his stoop again, and Martha grins at Jensen the entire time. It’s just the four of them, and Jensen’s a little awkward with that because he figured it was a dinner party, but whatever. He has to realize he was singled out for dinner for being an awesome employee and bringing Surecell in.
At dinner, they’re seated at the long table with Miller and Martha on one side and Jensen and Jared directly across from them. They all toast to the new client and most notably to Jensen for all his hard work and never giving up on the Murphys.
Miller and Jared are back to making everyone laugh as they trade tiny jabs about tennis and Jared even sincerely agrees to giving him some lessons. He nudges Jensen’s knee under the table. “And in lieu of payment, you can give Jensen a raise.”
Jensen almost kicks him back and sharpens his gaze. Jared’s smiling like it’s nothing. But it all evens out when their hosts laugh. “I think that’s been taken care of.”
“How about Dani?”
Jensen almost chokes on his steak. Miller just smiles. “You should’ve thought about sales before you went into engineering.”
Jared shrugs. “I prefer to screw people with math. It’s harder for them to figure it out.” And they’re all laughing again, and Jensen can’t even believe it because it’s like he’s a Jedi Master and just making them think everything he says is the best punch line of the night. It’s amazing. He gives Jared a nudge back at his leg and then he feels Jared’s foot rest on top of his. It’s so freaking amazing.
Martha brings them into the lounge for after-dinner drinks and it’s pretty much the same, but a little less awkward without a table between them. She hands out their glasses while her husband tracks down another bottle of liquor. “Jensen, you wouldn’t believe how excited Randy is about this. He has been talking about you nonstop this week.”
“Well, thank you, ma’am.”
She smiles. “Martha.”
And Jensen beams. He’s met her numerous times at work functions and this is the first time she’s corrected him. He’s so golden, he can taste it. “Martha, I can’t tell you how great it is to be here. Randy’s been a great mentor and just pushing me along. I’m just as happy for myself as I am for the company. We all really deserve it.”
“Are you kissing my ass by proxy?” Miller asks as he enters the room.
Jensen laughs and leans forward with elbows on his thighs. “Yes, sir, I suppose I am.”
“Good to hear you’re not getting too smug then. Just make sure you don’t get too close to my wife when you do it, okay?”
He smiles easily, knowing it’s all a joke. “Not a problem. Don’t worry.”
The hosts grow quiet and watch Jensen take another sip from his glass. Jared notes the tension and points to a painting on the wall. “That a Kincaid?”
“You know you’re art?” Martha smirks.
“Well, enough to know that a lot of his stuff is seemingly the same.” He eyes the Millers then goes on with a tiny quirk of his lips. “You think he did that out of boredom or lack of imagination?”
The hosts chuckle. Jensen shifts even further to the edge of his seat to look at the painting. “Most artists have their own style. All their work will seem the same.”
“Nah, Van Gogh did a few different textures here and there. I mean, yeah, the process and framework’s the same but he still brought things differently. Like the sunflowers and his self-portrait.”
And Jensen just stares because he almost can’t believe he’s having this conversation in his boss’s lounge. Jared’s even smarter than he thought. He smirks back at him and Jared returns it.
“Jared,” Martha wonders. “You really know your stuff, huh?”
“I don’t know the names of paintings, but yeah. Had a class a few semesters ago and it’s always been interesting to me.”
“Jared, you don’t know how much I wish you were in advertising. I’d bring you right in. Might scare Jensen a little because I think I’d love you a little more than I do him. But I think you two could figure it out, right?”
Jensen laughs. “Yeah, I could get over it.”
An hour later, Miller steps out to answer his phone and Martha’s gathering their jackets while they wait in the hallway. Jensen just breaths deep and watches Jared. His hand slowly grabs onto his, the fingers twining together. “You are kind of awesome.”
“Don’t act so surprised.” Jared smirks.
“Thank you so much for this. I eternally owe you beer.”
“I also accept blow jobs.”
Jensen barks a laugh. “I’ll have to remember that.”
“Maybe a nice combination of beer and blow - ” And they release their hands when Martha reappears with their coats.
Jensen pats a hand at Jared’s back. “Maybe I’ll get you later.”
Martha smiles at them both once they’re ready to go while Miller gives enthusiastic handshakes with his goodnight. She sweetly leans in with hands going to Jared’s cheeks and she brings him in to kiss his cheek. As she moves to Jensen for the same, she talks all sugar. “You two have to come around more often.”
Jensen returns her motion and smiles. “Sure, anytime.”
“Both of you.”
He looks to Jared carefully and they share a tiny smirk. “Yeah, of course.”
Martha winks at him before they leave. Once the door is closed behind them, Jensen puts his hand to Jared’s back as he leads them back to the car.
Jared speaks low. “I think she knows.”
“I’m guessing he will, too.”
“You okay?”
Jensen smiles to himself and pats Jared’s back. “Yeah, I think so.”
On the way home, they’re still talking as much as ever and joking, reliving moments from dinner and Jensen suddenly thinks about all the times he wanted to show up to a work event with someone. He’d asked Chris’s girlfriend once, and it was strange because she was there and nice but not really acting like there was more to it, even though they’d always gotten along when hanging out in their group of friends. Another time, he brought a girl from his spinning class, but in the end she actually thought he did like her. So mostly he hovered around with Danneel and her boyfriend when he wasn’t kissing Miller’s and Edwards’ asses by being ‘one of the guys.’ He just wanted to be there with someone that could talk to everyone and just make it all so much easier.
Jensen suddenly thinks, Huh, this is like that.
They’re not quite to Jared’s place but Jensen knows the area. So he pulls over in an abandoned lot just beyond a gas station and Jared looks around. “Hey, I think you missed the pump,” he jokes.
When he looks back, Jensen is just staring at him. And it takes a lot of effort before he moves to cup Jared’s face, palming his cheek with meaning because he doesn’t want to be dainty about it. “Thank you.”
Jared’s lips curl up just a bit and he stares back.
“These last few weeks, you have been incredible. I couldn’t have done this without you.”
“C’mon, Jen. You did a lot of it yourself. All those long hours and the meet- ”
Jensen moves forward and kisses him, hard and full of fervor. Both hands cup Jared’s face and keep him in place so Jensen can show what he feels with his aggressive mouth and tongue. Jared takes it, allowing Jensen to rule the moment, so he just holds Jensen’s wrists and winds his tongue along with Jensen’s. Their heavy breathing fills the car, as does the heat of their bodies.
It gets heady when Jensen leans more across the console and Jared goes back against the door but pulls Jensen even further with him. Their minds are mixed with giddy anticipation and blood pumping so fast that it almost echoes around them. Jensen’s tongue twirling with Jared’s, hands pulling fiercely at each other to bring their bodies even closer. Jared tugs a little harder for Jensen to be closer and as Jensen shifts himself, he knocks his dick right into the gearshift - and he moans so loud that Jared smiles and pulls him harder, but then the moan slips into a groan and a wince.
Jensen backs off with a muttered curse and the bad kind of white heat burning through his crotch. Jared surges close and tries to kiss him again, but Jensen groans and pounds his hand at the knob between them.
“What?” Jared looks down and sees Jensen’s fist punching the console. He realizes he’s wincing, tears filling his eyes. “Oh, fuck,” he laughs. Instinctively, like someone would any other injury, Jared flattens his hand over Jensen’s dick. “You okay?”
Jensen feels everything tingle with Jared’s touch, but that just amps up his pain. He pushes Jared back faster. “Shit, man. C’mon.”
Jared realizes the mistake and then laughs at himself and turns red. “Dude, I wasn’t even thinking. I’m so sorry.”
“You’re laughing,” Jensen grumbles.
“It’s kinda funny.” After a few seconds, he offers, “Want me to kiss it, make it better?”
He groans again because just the thought of Jared’s mouth down there is making him flush and the blood pumps even faster to his dick. And it hurts all over again. “I hate you.”
Jared moves forward and presses his palm at the back of Jensen’s head. The touch is careful but still nice, and Jensen seems to calm a little. His fingers start kneading against Jensen’s scalp. “I’m really sorry.”
Jensen frowns. “Mmhmm.” He leans his shoulder and head into the driver’s seat as he waits for the pain to cease. His eyes remain closed as Jared’s hand keeps moving over and through his hair. “Not quite how I pictured this moment.”
He chuckles. “Yeah, I didn’t think I’d have to console your cries on the second date.” Jensen glares at him. “Thought I’d wait until at least a month or two.”
“Fuck you.”
“The use of vulgarities does not erase your place as the chick in this relationship.”
Jensen feels it all subside, not just his pain but the comfort he had in Jared’s touch. So he takes it back by grabbing onto Jared’s tie and bringing him over to his side of the car. His mouth clashes with Jared’s as they fight for possession of the kiss. Jared wins when his tongue pushes into Jensen’s mouth with determination to fill the entire space and just push itself around. There’s no way he can share the driver’s seat with Jensen, so he tugs him back as close to the console as possible so his arms can wrap around him, pulling him in tight, chest to chest. He dips his head to mouth along Jensen’s jaw and up to his ear. He whispers with a husk to his voice. “You feeling better now?”
Jared palms at Jensen’s dick, his fingers folding around it. “How about now.”
Jensen’s answer is his hips kicking up into the motion. Jared replies by rubbing the heel of his hand against Jensen’s hard-on until he’s nudging his head back at Jared, seeking out his mouth. They kiss more, this time sloppy and a little too much tongue, but Jensen loves it and Jared’s hand. So he returns the favor and slips his hand beneath Jared’s dick and strokes the underside of it. Their breathing gets louder and faster, as do their hands, and suddenly Jared’s nearly whimpering.
Seconds later, he stops the kiss, but the hands are still going. “Any chance we can move this somewhere else?”
Jensen simultaneously pulls back and pushes at Jared’s chest and gets the car back into gear. Which makes Jared laugh with delight. He drives straight to his place because it’s closer, and they’re making out again in the elevator ride up to the 47th floor. When they hit about 20, Jared’s getting antsy for Jensen's apartment and chuckles. “Shit, how far we going?”
“All the way,” Jensen responds, all hoarse and hitting Jared right in the nerves of his dick.
He groans again and keeps kissing Jensen, grinding his hips against him, and just praying that the elevator stops soon. They tumble into the apartment, Jensen trying just as hard as Jared to pull clothes away, ripping away Jared’s tie and shirt, Jensen’s pants unbuttoned on the way to the bedroom.
When they get there, Jensen pushes Jared down and dips in for a fat, wet, loud kiss before he straddles Jared’s legs to work at his pants. Jared’s palm slides down Jensen’s chest, fingers etching the valleys between each muscle and almost cursing at the beauty of his skin. Jensen shifts back to pull Jared’s pants and boxers down and he takes a deep, appreciative breath at Jared’s dick as it swings up to his stomach, hard and leaking. He smiles and looks at Jared, who’s just staring back. He shakes his head like he can’t believe he’s right there and it’s all wonderful.
“How many of these I owe you?” Jensen asks with a smirk.
“I think a billion-twenty.”
He settles between Jared’s legs, pushing at his knees. He licks the very tip and his hand begins a careful stroke down as he’s almost psyching himself up for this. I’m awesome, Jared’s awesome. I’m going to suck the hell out of his dick, and he’s going to love how I do it. One more lick, the flat of his tongue working over the slit. When he glances back at Jared, the guy looks like he’s being tortured and about to break. “Billion-nineteen.”
Jared just nods, his eyes flat and mouth fractured open.
Jensen takes his dick in his mouth, bobbing up and down and adjusting the angle of his neck to pull it in different directions. Jared’s moaning things he can’t quite make out, but he’s pretty sure that’s a really good thing, so he continues on. Even though it doesn’t go much longer - they’ve both pretty much been hard for about twenty-five minutes and this is the first real connection either of them have had to other, skin to skin. Jared’s hands curl into the top blanket and his toes flex down as he shifts away. Like he doesn’t want to have it end and he’s trying to keep Jensen from getting so much of him. Jensen’s forearm pushes down on his hips and he continues sucking on his dick. His tongue pushes just as much pressure on the underside and then Jared cries out a high-pitched little whimper and empties right into Jensen’s mouth. And Jensen laps it all up while his other hand grabs at Jared’s side because he’s still pretty hard and this moment is making his mind fly. He feels like he could hump the bed and be done.
But he’s lucky that even while Jared’s drained and pretty lost in the eyes, he pulls at Jensen’s shoulders then turns to his side. Jared slips his hand into Jensen’s boxers and tugs his dick out so he can work on that. The movements are slow and lazy because his basic motor skills haven’t returned yet. But just like with Jared, it doesn’t take much because Jensen’s been waiting for these touches for a thousand weeks, it seems. Jensen moves against Jared’s hand and he grabs onto his neck so they’re forehead to forehead. “Come on, come on,” Jensen pleads and Jared kisses him on the cheek, the jaw, by his ear and he stays there. Because then he hears Jensen’s breathing catch and stutter. “Fuck, yeah, yes,” he pants in Jared’s ear as he comes, spilling hot liquid over Jared’s hand and jutting against him with the last few bits of movement he can manage.
They stay there like that, on their sides and facing each other, Jensen’s dick now soft in Jared’s grasp and his hand wrapped at the back of Jared’s head to keep him close. It’s a few minutes until they’re both back on earth and coherent. And Jared apologizes.
“For what?”
“You blew me and all’s you got was a lousy handjob.”
“Dude, you’re apologizing for jerking me off?” Jared’s hand flexes away and Jensen can see the apprehension in wondering what to do with the mess. “Just wait.” Jensen jumps up to the bathroom and brings back a wet cloth that he’s wiping himself down with. He flips it over and wipes down Jared’s hand.
“What a gentleman.”
“Told you I would be,” Jensen laughs. He easily tosses and sinks the towel into the laundry basket across the room.
He flops back onto the bed and they lay on their backs staring at the ceiling until God knows when. But when Jensen stirs, sun is streaking through the room and he’s got Jared pressed against his back with an arm across his stomach and Jared's head notched at the back of his neck.
“You’re cuddling me,” Jensen says very matter-of-factly.
“Who’s the chick?”
Jared pulls him tighter and his voice is quiet, like he’s trying to go back to sleep. “You’re totally the little spoon.”
“I hate you.”
Jensen tries to slip out of the hold for the bathroom, but Jared’s hand tugs him back in. “What’re you doing?” he grumbles, still all sleep-heavy and low.
“I was gonna piss, but I can do it right here, I guess.”
Jared chuckles and pushes Jensen away so he can go. When he comes back, he lays facing Jared who’s watching him with sleepy eyes and a lazy smile. “Morning,” Jared murmurs.
And Jensen smiles a little too much because he realizes how much he missed Jared saying that one word. But it’s more than just a friendly welcoming in an empty lobby. He gets to hear it all the time and in a variety of different ways, and he just fucking beams.