Saturday, I spent most of my waking hours at my parents' house going through old boxes, photos, and scrapbooks. I had to clear out a number of boxes that have never left their house, and this included all the crap my mom saved since I was baby--such as grade school report cards, positive letters from the principal, and even standardized test reports that counted my vocab at only 60% and recommended I not continue the advanced English classes I was in - LOL, I said to my dad "And now I'm a marketing writer for a major engineering firm ... though maybe that's why I never went proposals," and we pitifully laughed. I also found old school photos of me from the one year of pee wee soccer I played and I reminisced over the single goal I scored and how I started crying because I was so overwhelmed - he asked 'seriously, you cried while playing?' and I said 'don't you remember junior year bowling? Obviously my one season of soccer was very telling over my ability to cry over sports.' Also, a drawing of something called THE LAMP MACHINE that featured a hand coming out of a lamp to ... I don't know what. I asked them both HOW DID WE NEVER PATENT THIS?. And a nice little essay about celebrating my mom's birthday when I was in third grade that summarized rounds of air hockey with, "My dad won three times. My brother won twice. My mom won once. Well, that was how we spent my mom's birthday."
I spent the afternoon awwing at my little face, bright blonde hair, and unfortunate haircuts that my mom always gave me:
Hilariously, as soon as my dad saw the left picture, he said OH I REMEMBER THAT! and I'm like "What? the hideous dress?" I somehow kinda dig the right picture. My brother also came over to empty out a bunch of his crap (they have to clear out their basement for the major renovations from the April floods) and we kept laughing at the stupid crap he found from his own high school and college days - like all of his ID cards, three rejection letters from the school he failed out of and kept attempting to re-enroll in, HIS FINGERPRINTS FROM WHEN HE WAS ALMOST ARRESTED HAHAH, and coupons and credit card bills ... from 2001. Then again, I found a $10 Blockbuster gift card that my dad harassed me for never using.
Me: They're not even AROUND anymore.
Him: Sure they are! ... Somewhere.
Me: Then YOU use it.
Him: Nah, not interested.
Soon after all the fun of our youth, I lamented the patheticness of my junior high and high school years. Oh puberty. I did read through most of the newspaper clippings from HS and college bowling, as well as a number of articles I wrote for the college newspaper that pretty much stink versus today's standards. I can't believe how much of this crap my mom really stayed - alternatively, I can't believe how much of it I threw out, not caring THAT much about it all this many years later. I did keep a number of papers I wrote in college, especially my feature writing class and film studies work. I then stayed at the parents' to play Trivial Pursuit: 1980s, which I purchased at a Goodwill store for only $3! Fun times were had by all, as it's not so much the challenge of trivia (well a little), but more the hilarity that comes in between. Like my dad answering every question about a newscaster with Dan Rather, yet it was always Peter Jennings or Tom Brokaw. I told him "one of these days it WILL be Dan Rather!"
Yesterday, I got up at a pretty decent hour (for me) and drove downtown so I could spend the day working without interruption and start the week off fairly on schedule (OMG I HAVE SO MUCH WORK THIS WEEK), and once I pulled around the corner to park in the garage next door, I realized I had forgotten my keycard to get in. I thought to myself, "Oh, if Nelson is here, he will let me up, he knows me ..." Indeed, Nelson the super nice security guard who is always here when I work OT was at the front desk, but informed me that the building management actually does not entrust security with office keycards, so he could let me up to my floor but after that I'm on my own ... I was not looking forward to driving back home and in again, so after finding out my coworker wasn't coming in until at least 3pm (and by now it was 11am), I decided to play hooky, so I went shopping then to my friends' condo to swim in her pool, laze in the sun, drink strawberitas, eat pizza and dips and bread, and watch a few episodes of Supernanny, which is a terrible guilty pleasure for us both. I got home around 10:30pm, went to bed, couldn't fall asleep until nearly midnight, then got up at 6am to come into work an hour early and get a jump on the day.
Whew, what a weekend.
A huge part of me wants to go home and write fic, but I actually am emailing myself work to do at home. Why must I be an adult?