If we mean in the last year, as in since July 22, 2012, then it would be getting the kitters. Hands down.
But if we mean in the year of 2013, well. You may have heard that I went to the Paul McCartney Concert? :D
My dad is a huge Beatles fan, has been since he first heard them when he was 17. I would listen to Breakfast with the Beatles every Sunday when we went bowling leagues together, which started when I was about 11. So it's been a long time that I've known a wide range of Beatles songs and in the last decade, I've grown to really love Paul ... in his music, musicianship, performance, and personality. I've watched a handful of his concerts on Paladia over and over again. SO. When he was coming to Milwaukee and timing was right for my dad's birthday, WE HAD TO GO.
I splurged (with some $ from my mom as her present to my dad) for 7th row seats on the field but off to the far side, meaning we really didn't see much anything except the huge LED screen at the end of the stage.
Because it was like 400 degrees down on the field when surrounded by hundreds of people (okay, it was really only like 97* that night but there was literally no air flow in the seating area), we wound up moving against the railing a bit back from our seats. Which brought us great joy in having space, air, and an even worse view of the stage LOL.
This was totally unintentional but really, really awesome. I was trying to get a goofy Paul face and got Abe Laboriel, Jr., the drummer, instead. From the various concerts I've watched, I've developed a bit of a crush on this dude. He's always so excited to be playing the drums and to be singing along to all of the songs.
And now a video of Paul singing 7 seconds of "Another Day." One of my guy friends and I have a joke about saying 'sad, so sad' when we're trying to guilt one another about something ... and then I heard this song a few months ago, really listening to the lyrics, and started laughing that he's singing about someone being 'so sad.' IDK. Just silly random stuff.
Paul McCartney "Another Day" Hilariously, once we were there and talking about Dad's lifetime of loving the Beatles, he told me that George and John are pretty near tied for his favorite Beatle. I asked, "Soooooo, you're not as big of a Paul fan as I thought you were?" "No, not really," he replied. Then I said, "Well, I guess we can go return these tickets then." "Yeah, I guess you can." Of course we didn't.
It honestly took a lil while to get into the show ... I was a bit disappointed that our seats didn't fit what I was expecting. It also really, really, really sucked to be sweating so bad that night. We had to stand outside the ballpark for an extra 45 minutes before they'd let us in because soundcheck was late ... then we sat in our seats down on the field for nearly 90 minutes before he started, which was 45 minutes late. Then once he was playing, we could barely see him for all the other heads between us and the stage. Once we moved off the side, it was better ... and then I got a beer or two in me and they started tearing up
Wings' "Let Me Roll It", which I think is a pretty bitchin' song, and I was suddenly really okay and rocking along to it.
In other news!
Last Thursday I went to The Package Tour, which was Boyz II Men, 98*, and New Kids on the Block. My two good friends are big New Kids fans and every time they're in town now, we've gone and seen them. I wasn't really interested this year except ... BOYZ II MEN!!! I was only a little shocked that I remembered EVERY. SINGLE. LYRIC.
We actually had very good seats but it didn't translate with my phone camera.
So Hard to Say Goodbye (a capella)I'll Make Love to You IT WAS SO INCREDIBLE AND THEY SOUNDED AMAZING! <333