Spring Fling Reveals!

Jun 17, 2013 10:05

Work is bananas. B-A-N-A-N-A-S. Which makes trying to catch up on Spring Fling damn near impossible. Yet! Reveals went up today and I'm soooooooooooooo excited to know that a very darling person wrote me a really fabulous fic that I adored without knowing who the heck was behind it the first time around. It's like biting into a nugget of chocolate and finding surprise strawberries inside!

Uncontested by fleshflutter! In which Jared and Jensen are in the throes of a terrible breakup but just can't keep away. I have been wanting some kind of crazy, dramatic, angsty fic in which they've gone through a bitter breakup but somehow come back together. Ugh, this fic fills that need exceptionally well!

And then I wrote Two Hands, One Shaft, in which Jensen overhears some of the world's worst innuendos from his cubicle neighbor.


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