What's this pesky thing called life?

Dec 05, 2010 21:53

After the xmas/NYE fic poll, I'd decided to try to write them all, because they were all fun and good ideas, but I've fallen flat on that thanks to stress, work, and sleep deprivation (which, yes, gives me more hours in the day, just makes me delirious and obnoxious and unable to focus on happy!Christmas stories). Add on the fact that I'm traveling for work this week and anticipate extremely long hours from now until Christmas and I won't be able to make my goal :-\

And I'm not sure if I'll even hit the 'post one a week' thing, because any free time I've had to write the last few days has been dedicated to my spn_j2_xmas fic, which is getting wildly out of control. 7K and I'm not even sure if that's halfway through the story. Christ. This is what I get for not planning/plotting fics out and just writing flying by the seat of my pants. And really, I'm not sure how much I'll be around between now and Christmas :(

However, in between working on a Sunday, packing for my trip, and writing a lil, I made time to watch the ep again and ...

Dare I admit that I liked Sam in this episode? I'm unhappy with the inconsistency between the last ep, where he had no shame and didn't know common decency, but it was a nice, different look at him.

I have no clue, but I love how Jensen/Dean looks when creeping around walls.

Okay, so, forgoing to the whole consent issue, I wouldn't mind Meg/Dean.

I love this Meg. So, so, so much. And angry Dean is always a bonus.

Oooof. When Dean's telling Samuel to not deal with Crowley, my heart <3333

Mmm hello

Trust me, don't go down that road. I'm saying, stop trying. It's gonna go nowhere good. Samuel, I know we've had our differences, but I'm your grandson and I'm telling you that this is wrong for so many reasons. I'm asking you to learn from our mistakes. Doing this, this is how the bad guy gets us every time. It's our Achilles's heel. Apparently it runs in the family.


Hellhouds. Oh sigh, boys.

My heart <3333333

Okay, so the Meg-Cas scene was weird and awkward and so unneeded. But the boys' reactions were priceless.

This is from the lovely scene I already documented, where Dean bitches out Samuel. I just really love the profile shot. The flick of his hair always does something to me. I DON'T KNOW OKAY?!

~Fabulous hair, Sammy!

I love this new thing of them ending eps outdoors in the daylight. They look gorgeous!

Reminiscent of old!Sam, with furrowed brow and sad eyes.

Mmmmm his neck nomnomnomnomnomnom

So I just had a random thought, actually. What with Season 6 supposedly following Season 1 a bit ... 1.11 was Scarecrow, wherein Sam walks away from Dean and we first encounter Meg. I'm not totally sold on this, because A) it's one ep off, B) Sam walks off early in 1.11 but at the end of this one, C) there's plenty of other crazy shit going on here that's tearing them apart when Sam shows back up at the end. I dunno.

jensen is my favorite, s6, play it again jensen, you're ruining my life, dean can you be more butch?, jen you angsty beautiful bastard, sam go back to asking dean to kill you, poor tortured sammy, stop it jensen, pica pica pictures, spn, jensen is really effing pretty

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